Why Does He Laugh When You Catch His Attention?

Why does he laugh when you catch his attention?

Many children often laugh when they are attracted to their attention, but beyond trying to make fun of their parents, they are trying to avoid conflict. Let’s see what really happens.

You are trying to correct a behavior  or call attention to a bad behavior, when suddenly they let out a laugh that leaves you shocked . Your first reaction will surely be scold them  with more force and demand respect from them, but did you know that he is not trying to make fun of you?

Contrary to what we often believe, a child who laughs during a scolding does not try to do anything other than avoid the problem . It is a nervous laugh that is produced by the lack of knowledge regarding the management of emotions and the problems that are generated from a decision they made.

If you see that they laugh because you are attracting their attention, they are only showing their nerves

Undoubtedly, Mom and Dad may feel deep frustration because they feel that they have not achieved the main goal, which was to correct  a situation. . However, it is important to realize that a challenge is added to these circumstances: teach them to channel this nervousness with love and a lot of patience.

Faced with this scenario, The most important thing is that you do not forget that your little one does not know how to face an argument or take responsibility for a bad action . Just take a deep breath and sit next to him and explain why this is not right and how he should deal with these cases.

What to do if he laughs when you catch his eye

You probably think that it is a sensitive topic both because you can be laughed at, and because of the fact that you laugh with other strange people (teachers, family members or some other adult). The truth is that we have to start correcting our reaction, before demanding that they not do that.

In this sense, the first step is to remain calm, faced with this response. If necessary, withdraw from the space and reflect on what is happening . After this, he comes back wanting to talk about what he just did and give him the guidance he needs. It may be difficult for you, but it is a relevant step.

Stay calm and don’t let frustration lead you to be harsh with your child.

After you have mastered this point, forget about anger or rage reactions. It is not coherent to ask them to control the anguish that a scolding generates, if we ourselves do not know how to handle emotions .

Tips for Mom

Speaking firmly and seriously is the key to achieving a good communication .

Don’t enter this game for the world. If he wants to claim something or emphasize an issue, give him all the attention that you yourself wish you had . Of course, if you have to admit a mistake, show him that it can be something simple using words full of honesty.

If you did not manage to control your anger, just go back to him and tell him that you are very sorry . Insist on explaining why it’s not okay to laugh when they get their attention and give them the space to explain the reasons that led to it.

Do not approach it while you are angry, as there is no use reinforcing their fear. Self-control is the basis for fostering a discipline  coherent, without fear and without repression. Obedience does not have to be synonymous with submission.

And of course, be flexible, listen to him patiently and come to an agreement. . If it is not something that can be discussed because it represents a danger or does not suit you for your well-being, allow them to speak and ask them lovingly not to repeat it to protect yourself.

When does this answer disappear?

It is clear that you could feel overwhelmed by this reaction of your little one and you want to press a button that allows you to end this problem. But, the best thing you could do is be patient, stay calm and follow through with the recommendations we have given you . If you evolve, he will too.

Patience is the key to fostering proper discipline

However, If your baby is just one or two years old and tries to divert your attention with a hug or a kiss, do not panic, or feel that he wants to make fun of you . At this age they do not know how to handle their own emotions, much less those of others. But, if they get over that stage, work to make everything improve with a lot of love and understanding.

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