Why Do Some Friends Get Estranged During Pregnancy?

Why do some friends get estranged during pregnancy?

They say that true friends are forever. A friendship is supposed to be unconditional and eternal. In a way, friends are that family we choose and with whom we can get along better. However, some relationships can be upset due to motherhood.

Without a doubt, when we are pregnant we can feel more alone than usual. Sometimes it is a matter of emotions, it may be a sensation, but other times it is a fact. It is most noticeable when we are used to an active social life. If we went out with friends every weekend, the change in routine can be very noticeable.

As much as we intend to maintain most of our customs, certain details prevent it. For example, the discomfort of the first weeks leaves us without much of our energy. However, sometimes what erodes is the solidarity of some friends. Many of our loved ones stray during pregnancy. That being the case, it is better not to worry anymore, it happens to most of us.

True friends?

Knowing that perhaps we have all done it too, this situation is worth reflecting on. If you consider true friendships, you may not be dominated by this particular sentiment. Let’s reflect on the times we stop visiting that friend who is pregnant. Apparently, it is not customary to show commitment to help that person, perhaps because you think they do not need us.

However, this is not a rematch. It is rather an understandable distance in many ways. Why were those friends looking for us? Parties? Walks? Toast? Most of these activities are rarely done in pregnancy. Alcohol is prohibited, excessive hustle too, lack of comfort is not an option. Everything changes when we are going through this process.

Even so, can we say that this friendship ended because of this? No, surely, even if the friendship has not been strengthened, it is not over. In certain cases we discover a better connection with some friends. However, from now on motherhood will limit us in many ways.

Being friends with someone who is not a mother is a bit complicated. True friends have somehow experienced motherhood to stay together. We can maintain a friendly relationship with a woman who does not understand our emotions, but it is not easy to understand each other.

A change of life

The most common causes for losing a friend are our own life changes. Moving to another city, getting married, a new job or changing habits are factors that tend to leave us without friends. When friendship is true, old routines can be resumed, but life is transformed with the arrival of children. That is, certain customs may never recover.

To a great extent our arrangement is also modified. From now on we have other priorities. Responsibilities are also different and interests vary in relation to a new role.

Although everyone has their opinion about it, it is said that each person comes into our life with a purpose. In this regard, it is important that we know how to evaluate each situation, in order to take advantage of everything. Looking on the positive side of things is essential during pregnancy and at all stages of life.

Mom’s brain

Studies have revealed that women’s brains change during pregnancy. Consequently  our personality could be completely modified. Soon things that were important before will take a back seat. It is not that we no longer care about such friendship, it is that perhaps we understand what is best for us.

From now on we will have more dedication to ourselves and the baby. Even when they ask us out, we can be out of spirits or with other plans. Things that were once essential will no longer be, so there’s not much to worry about.

If our friends are not mothers, they will not understand us and we do not need this. Motherhood means that the only friends we are interested in having are those who understand us.

In motherhood, some friends also leave due to lack of agreement. Our children fighting each other can cause irreconcilable upsets. That is to say, friendships do not always distance themselves from us, perhaps later on the feeling will be mutual.

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