When Should A Child Be Awarded?

When should a child be awarded?

Good education also lies in knowing and fulfilling the obligations that we as human beings have: with society, our environment, and ourselves. Value your child’s obligations, but don’t always reward them.

When should a child be awarded? Among those common doubts that parents share is this issue.

Even as adults, on many occasions we find ourselves at a crossroads like the previous one; And it is at that precise moment when we would like to have someone more expert by our side to receive good advice.

Because even though we prepare, no one goes to university to receive training to be a mother, least of all, to educate a child.

“Train yourself in this sense in: keys to educate responsible and happy children”

You learn to be a father and mother along the way, “stumbling and hitting” as some of us say.


However, the education that we have had, with the values, the feelings; achievements, failures, beliefs … everything is shaping our way of being and as we are, and how we believe good people should be, (because we all consider ourselves good and evaluate others according to our own “measurement rule”) we educate our children.

But rewarding or not rewarding children sometimes gets out of hand and we sin both by excess and by default.

Children’s obligations

All of us, as social beings on planet earth, even though we are very small, we have certain obligations to fulfill.

In the case of children, some of your most important obligations are:

Respect for the elderly

It does not matter if the older person is a member of your family or not. Children must be taught to respect adults and heed their advice, recommendations and scolding

Always tell the truth

Even when some adults do not lead by example, children should always tell the truth. They must be taught that lies never have a good ending

Maintain discipline

Wherever they are, they must maintain discipline and behave well. Do not touch what should not be touched, stay still when it is necessary to do it and speak in a low voice when others are talking.


To protect the nature

Children should advocate for respect for flora and fauna, non-contamination of ecosystems, recycling, biodiversity and everything that has to do with preserving the environment.

Other obligations that children have are: doing their homework, getting good grades, picking up their toys, putting their room in order, being clean and helping with household chores.

“Learn more about this last point in: children can and should collaborate in household chores”

But since any of these attitudes are duties that, as a child or young person, your child must have, their fulfillment does not mean a merit for which they should receive an award.

However, we do not mean to say that a child who does all of the above should not ever be rewarded, the bad procedure in this case is that there are parents who reward each of these good acts as if it were a feat.

But finally, when should a child be awarded?
We will explain to you below.

When should a child be awarded?

A child should be rewarded when the action taken has required more effort and dedication than usual, or when they have done a series of tasks well, whether they are within their obligations or not.

Now, if you are going to reward your child, these instructions will be very helpful:

  • Never reward him to pay for some emotional blackmail
  • Reward him when he really deserves it. Instead of promoting good values, excess gifts stimulate bad behavior, selfishness, whimsy and the belief that they are worthy of everything.
  • Never give as a reward to free him from any obligation
  • Verify that giving gifts never becomes a duty that you must fulfill
  • Give rewards that are commensurate with the effort made.

Our advice

Let your child know how much you value the fact that he fulfills his duties, how happy you are to see that he is a well-behaved, responsible and conscientious child.


Reward him materially when you can and feel that you must ; But do something better, reward him with spiritual gifts: with kisses, hugs, the demonstration that you are proud of him, activities to share with the family … all of them are worth more than any material reward.

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