What You Should Know About Breast Implants And Lactation

What you should know about breast implants and breastfeeding

When you are a mother, one of the main illusions and also concerns is to be able to feed your baby, breastfeeding them is a gift that nature gives us. But what if mom has a prosthesis? Here we will tell you what you should know about breast implants and breastfeeding.

One of the things that most often causes nervousness and restlessness among expectant mothers who have breast implants, is to know if this will affect the health of their baby, the quality of the milk or if it will even cause some kind of discomfort or injury to them. .

In this post we will collect some of the recommendations of health professionals about breast implants and breastfeeding, in addition to clarifying the most frequent doubts around this topic.

Can I breastfeed my baby?


This is the main question that women with breast implants ask themselves. The answer given by the experts is: possibly yes, but there are some factors, such as the type of surgery, that could generate some inconvenience and this basically depends on the method by which the prosthesis has been placed in the body.

In fact, the vast majority of doctors say that if implants are placed correctly, a woman can breast-feed  without any problem.

The normal thing is that these are located behind the mammary glands, in this way the surgical intervention will not prevent the baby from being fed directly from the breast.

Implants are generally inserted through the armpit or below the breast fold and this does not pose any problem when it comes to breastfeeding. You are more likely to have a difficulty if an incision has been made in the areola .

In the latter case, if the nerves around the areola were not affected during the operation, a woman will be able to fully breastfeed, as the nerves are responsible for alerting the brain to release prolactin and oxytocin, vital elements in the production of breast milk.

Another common concern is that the prosthesis ruptures and the liquid passes to the baby through the milk, and against this theory a large percentage of surgeons agree that it is almost impossible for this to happen. Even if the amount of liquid were to pass, it would not be decisive to affect the milk produced in the breasts.  

Larger breasts to enhance beauty


Women really care about their breasts, not only because of the almost miraculous function that they fulfill in a moment of life, which is to feed, but also because they are considered a fundamental element of feminine beauty.

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular surgical procedures among women, especially between the ages of 18 and 35. Having bigger and firmer breasts than those that nature has given is usually very important for women, especially in Latin America and around this some questions arise that we will answer below.

Frequently asked questions about breast implants and breastfeeding

Are the breasts deformed when breastfeeding after an augmentation? The truth is that breasts change irretrievably during pregnancy, weight gain at this stage and the passage of time have their effect on the breasts. It is normal to see sagging and stretch marks , something that can happen whether or not you have implants.

How long should you wait to enlarge your breasts if you breastfed or are breastfeeding now? Experts say that the ideal is to wait at least six months after breastfeeding the baby for the last time and the same period after giving birth if it was not breastfed.

If you have breast implants, are you more prone to mastitis or infections? The answer is no, since the implant, when placed behind the mammary gland, does not influence its operation.

Sometimes undergoing a mammoplasty  It is seen as a status symbol, for some young women it is the great step to become a woman and for others it is simply a way of beautification, of feeling better about herself and in other cases looking younger.

Whatever the case or the reason why a woman has decided to increase the size of her breasts, she can feed her baby if she wants it without problems, as long as the surgery has not caused damage around the nerves that line the breast. areola.

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