What To Do When Your Adolescent Does Not Shower: Hygiene Measures

If you have a teenage son who has a hard time getting in the shower, then don’t miss out on these tips.
What to do when your teenager does not shower: hygiene measures

It is possible that your adolescent does not want to shower or that his hygiene measures are not the most adequate. It’s more common than you think for your child or teen to go through a phase where they avoid the shower. This conversation can be difficult to have with your child. It can be awkward for each part, but luckily, there are ways to talk about this without making anyone angry.

There are a few reasons why your child may not be properly cared for, which is why we are here to guide you through the process of having a conversation on this topic. Thus, you can  get your teenager to improve his personal hygiene.

Understanding Teen Shower

Some teens may be having a difficult transition, especially if they are going through puberty, as they have to cleanse their bodies more regularly. Before entering the teenage years, it is not so important to skip a shower or bath. But, once certain physical changes begin, it is important that they understand how to take care of themselves.

It’s not unusual for boys going through puberty to feel uncomfortable with their bodies, so they could play a role in their reasoning. For example, exercising in gym class in Primary school is very different from Secondary, because now your sweat will smell different than before.

Teen boy looking in the mirror.

The shower conversation

If you haven’t already discussed the changes that occur due to puberty with your child (such as increased body hair and increased perspiration), now would be an opportune time to do so. If you’ve already talked about puberty, it may be the right time to remind yourself that you should wash in the shower almost daily to continue feeling your best.

Too many distractions

Between eating healthy, after-school activities, chores around the house, friendships, and even dates, your child likely has a lot to attend to. For some teens, hygiene is one of the things that can be forgotten on a stressful day.

Or, they may be procrastinating each night before showering and putting off until morning just so they don’t do it before a day at school. In this sense, adolescents can find one hour a day to shower and thus maintain good hygiene; a schedule that suits them.

If it seems that their lack of showering is due to procrastination, treat hygiene as you would any of their other tasks and apply the consequences if they do not comply with the shower. Try to get her to bathe in the same way that you would with any other responsibilities assigned to her.

For example, you can allow them to play video games or watch television after they have showered. In this way, they will be more motivated to maintain good body hygiene.

Mental health or depression

Unfortunately, this could be a sign of something more serious than distractions or a procrastinator. Even if you feel attuned to your teen, there could be things he’s hiding internally from you about school, friends, changes in his body, and more.

Teen boy taking a shower.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of teen depression, which may include changes in sleep patterns and general hostility,  p ou can be a resource to be on high alert when it comes to your mental health.

What you must not forget

First, consider setting a time to talk with the school tutor to see how your child is doing on their academic assignments. Also, if you think it is appropriate, it may be a good idea to go to a mental health professional.

While this topic of conversation may not be your favorite, it is important to instill good hygiene habits in your child from an early age. These habits will carry them through adolescence and later into the rest of their life.

In most cases, it may be best to be honest with your concerns. Even the smallest jokes could hurt your feelings and backfire in the long run. Setting a good example and showing your good hygiene habits can also be a positive influence on your teenager.

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