What Is The Bright Side Of Tantrums

What is the positive side of tantrums

Perhaps you have ever thought that childhood tantrums do not bring anything good, that they make the environment turn into chaos and that your nerves get frayed.  Believe it or not, tantrums are an important part of your child’s emotional health and well-being. The tantrums should be part of the day to day, your child is forming his personality and is telling you through tears what he needs, because he does not know how to express it in any other way.

Tantrums occur because children are not able to put into words how they feel emotionally. When they have intense emotions inside them that are difficult to control, they erupt into a tantrum. Tantrums don’t exist to make you angry or scold, far from it. Tantrums exist so that you can see what happens to your child and teach him not only to understand and learn from his emotions, but also to put words to what happens to him. 

Young children’s tantrums or temper tantrums are one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. Parents think that everything is fine when the children only smile or are calm … And they feel helpless when the little ones are on the ground screaming and kicking about something that perhaps seemed to be of no importance.

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But children’s tantrums are an essential part of their emotional development as well as their physical well-being. Tantrums have a friendly face and they are more positive than you think. Perhaps if you think about this the next time your child has a tantrum, you begin to see these moments not as a bad thing, but as an opportunity to learn and improve for both of you.

The bright side of tantrums

They help you learn

Children express their frustration in any situation (even the slightest) with tantrums. This helps them clear their minds so they can learn something new. Learning is as natural for children as breathing.

When a child is not able to concentrate or listen, there is usually an emotional problem that is blocking his progress. To learn a child must feel happy and relaxed and therefore, expressing these emotions is essential.

Release stress

Tears contain cortisol, the stress hormone. When we cry, we are literally releasing stress from the body. Tears also help lower blood pressure and improve emotional well-being, as long as a loved one is nearby offering unconditional support. When a child is on the verge of a tantrum, they start feeling upset, angry, frustrated, and crying.

Also, when the storm passes, the child also feels much better. Parents need to help their children deal with a tantrum and find out what the dominant feelings are and also what triggered it. Thus, joint solutions can be sought so that the next time a similar situation arises, the child has learned some skills to deal with this frustration. Crying helps to get better.

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If you said ‘no’, it’s positive

Sometimes tantrums appear because your child is dealing with a ‘no’ and this is something positive for their development. Saying ‘no’ to children is a way of setting clear limits on what behavior is acceptable and what behavior is unacceptable.

Sometimes you can avoid giving negative so as not to deal with emotional consequences, but it is necessary to set limits and at the same time offer love and empathy. Saying ‘no’ when appropriate is good for everyone.

Your child feels safe to tell you how he feels

In his own way, he is telling you that he is not well and that he needs your help to be better. This is what tantrums are for. A tantrum is a compliment because your child trusts you. A tantrum doesn’t mean he wants to manipulate you or get what he wants …

He’s just telling you how he feels about a particular situation. It is the love that unites you that should help you deal with the situation in the most effective way. 

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