Up To What Age Should Babies Sleep In Mommy’s Bed?

Up to what age should babies sleep in mommy's bed?

Babies should sleep in mom’s bed for at least 3 years of age. The experience of staying clothed and protected at night, connected at all times with your attachment figure, is essential to grow physically and emotionally strong.

Separation from mom is a new condition that babies must learn without rushing. They should not be forced to stay away from someone who for 40 weeks or more kept them in their womb and provided them with oxygen, food and protection; who now, with some differences, also cares for them and feeds them.

It is that when this bond of affection and dependence tries to break abruptly, it generates anxiety and fear: states that cause irreversible damage that can drag on into adulthood.

Sleeping with mom until age 3 reduces child stress


Child stress generated by various everyday contexts, common in current times, disables children to learn and grow with self-control tools that allow them to offer an early response to stressful events that may arise in the future.

You should know that today not a few children experience anxiety due to the usual rush of their parents, the demands of all kinds, or the little time they spend with their parents. However, those who sleep with mom at night, even when they are subjected to situations like these during the day, tend to be much less stressed than the little ones who go through similar experiences, but who go to bed alone at night.

Infants who share their parents’ bed sleep better, rest and wake up more relaxed. On the other hand, those who are forced to lie down in the crib or in a different room are prone to develop behavior problems in both childhood and adulthood.

Sleeping in bed with mom and dad increases self-esteem, makes them more resilient, and allows them to train to be independent in the near future.

Sleeping with mom should be safe

Laying babies in adult beds is dangerous. Many specialists in neonatology, pediatrics and other related branches define it as such.

Those who advise against co-sleeping are fundamentally based on the risk of suffocation and sudden death to which babies are exposed; however, the statistics show that the majority of deaths in the first ages, rather than co-sleeping itself, are due to negligence.

Having ingested narcotics and alcoholic beverages in the hours before sleeping, or using large bulky pillows, are two of the main triggers of this traumatic end.

Now, for sleeping with mom to be safe, organizations such as the World Health Organization for its acronym WHO, and the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, establish a series of precautions to be taken by parents before and after put the child to sleep with them.

Safe Co-sleeping are measures that reduce the chances of accidents during sleeping hours and offer the possibility of taking advantage of all the benefits that the practice offers to babies.


Babies should sleep in mom’s bed until they are 3 years old

Mom, it is important that you understand that co-sleeping improves the neural development of babies because it gives them a better acceptance and adaptation to the environment that surrounds them, and also gives them a better capacity to respond to the various stimuli they receive.

Children who sleep with their mothers have fewer interruptions in their sleep cycles than those who are left alone in their cribs and constantly wake up looking for companionship. This regularity is vital for the full development of your organs, including your brain.

Sleeping in mom’s bed, as long as all appropriate measures are taken and risks are reduced, is a unique experience that everyone should try. Mothers and babies should not miss the opportunity to nurture the emotional benefits of a practice that was born with the man himself.

The decision whether or not to put your child to bed with you is up to you.

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