Types Of Changing Tables For Babies

Do you know how many types of baby changing tables there are? We are going to give a review to help you choose the one that best suits your needs.
Types of changing tables for babies

You are pregnant? Surely millions of questions go through your head, from the most complex to some as simple as the types of changing tables for babies that exist. In this article we will help you solve this last question.

Changing the diaper is one of the moments that you will repeat the most throughout the day when your baby is born. In it, in addition to normal hygiene habits, you will take the opportunity to establish a connection with him, to give him a massage, to talk to him and to show him your affection.

A changing table is a small mattress that you will place your baby on when you change his diaper, hence its name. It is advisable that it be comfortable, practical, easy to wash and that it allows you to have all the items you may need at hand.

Do you know all the types of changing tables for babies?

Changing mattress

It is the most basic of all and consists of a small mattress, preferably laminated, lined with a soft and washable fabric. It is very comfortable and you can place it on any surface. The main advantages are that you can take it anywhere in the house and that it takes up very little space.

Inflatable changing table

They are ideal for when you travel with your baby, since it is a mat made of non-toxic PVC that inflates and deflates. Then you can cover it with a cloth so that it does not rub against the skin. As we say, they are perfect for when you are going to spend a few days away from home, but they are not so useful for day to day.

Baby changing table

Changing cabinet

This is the most robust and complete option, perfect for the home. It is a piece of furniture with drawers, compartments and enough space to store both baby clothes and hygiene products.

A basic mattress is placed on top and the advantage is that it allows you to have everything in one space. Their placement is usually fixed and allows you less play, although there are models that come with the option of incorporating wheels to move them.

Of the types of changing tables for babies, this is a favorite because it allows it to be used as a closet, organizer and changing table at the same time.

Bath changing table

It is a changing table like the one we mentioned in the previous point but with the added bonus that it incorporates a bathtub inside. Although it is very practical, the storage space is considerably reduced because it is occupied by the bathtub.

You can find them foldable or non-foldable, and there are even models from which the bathtub can be removed when the babies grow up and continue to use the rest of the furniture.

Baby bath changing table

Scissors changing table

These types of baby changing tables are foldable. There are them with or without a bathtub included and they are perfect if you have little space at home, since you can even store them behind the bathroom door.

Changing bag

It is practically essential to have it regardless of the one you choose to have at home. It is always very useful to have a bag in which to put diapers, wipes, cream, changes, etc. You can always have it ready so that you do not forget anything when you leave the house and changing the diaper does not become a problem.

The options of types of changing tables for babies are varied, and you may use more than one alternative throughout their growth. Find the one that best suits your needs and lifestyle, always bearing in mind that the materials are of the highest quality, non-toxic and with a good fixation to avoid accidents.

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