Tricks To Calm The Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be one of the most wonderful stages in life, but the symptoms are very upsetting! Find out how to reduce them by reading this article.
Tricks to calm pregnancy symptoms

It is nine months in which our body begins to adapt for the happiest and most momentous change in our life. But not everything is rosy and that is why we offer you the best tricks to calm the symptoms of pregnancy.

Being pregnant is undoubtedly a great happiness. Although we know that we will be blessed with the wonderful gift of life, the sweet wait is not so simple.

During this phase the body experiences a series of hormonal and physical changes that are the clear sign that a little one is growing within us.

Considering this, it never hurts to take into account some tricks that can help you calm the symptoms of pregnancy.

Natural tricks to calm symptoms


Below we will mention some of the different conditions and their possible solutions. The first advice is that it is best to always resort to natural remedies and medicines.

A natural medicine that gives good results is the ginger infusion with which we can say goodbye to nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Vomiting and dizziness are perhaps one of the uncomfortable parts of pregnancy. The first thing to do is learn to detect at what time of the day we feel them, since this will be the key to finding a solution.

For example, if nausea occurs in the early hours of the day, a good option is to eat foods that contain fiber when we wake up. An oatmeal or raisin cookie will be a good option.

A specific recommendation to reduce the feeling of dizziness is to move away from closed places with high temperatures. And in case you already feel dizzy, the ideal is to lie down and place your legs up, thus facilitating better blood circulation and therefore oxygen throughout your body.

In the case of vomiting, a little more work is required. Ideally, you will determine which foods cause it and eliminate them from the menu.

A natural medicine that gives good results is undoubtedly the infusion of ginger, however you must have the approval of your doctor to take it.

Constipation problems


This is a very frequent problem. Constipation occurs because during pregnancy the digestive process is slower, the uterus undergoes a progressive increase.  This increase contracts several organs, preventing regular digestion.

To solve this problem, the ideal is to do a little exercise. Walking for 25 to 35 minutes a day is the healthiest.

In the same way, we can consume foods rich in fiber such as: plums, papaya, cereals and nuts. These stimulate the organs involved in digestion and excretion.

This effect causes heaviness in women during the pregnancy process. The worst thing is that when you are over 35 years old, swollen legs and feet are prone to the appearance of varicose veins.

Discomfort in the breasts

Beyond the size of our breasts, this discomfort is always present due to all the hormonal changes that the breastfeeding process entails. The enlargement of the mammary gland is the cause of this condition. The stress can even become intolerable for many.

Do not despair! Apply ice packs, so your tendons will relax and you can be a little calmer. You should also eliminate underwire bras as they will only cause you more pain.

Believe it or not, this is perhaps the best solution to all your ills during pregnancy. Consuming saturated fat, soda, fried foods, and carbohydrates in excess, will only exacerbate all our symptoms. A diet based on fruits, vegetables and vegetables is essential for the development of the baby and for your health.

Coffee and even chocolate should be consumed with caution. On the other hand, the intake of plenty of water is essential. It is advisable to take two to three liters a day, being able to combine this intake with some natural infusions.

Eating three times a day and including snacks is a solution to avoid anxiety. In conclusion, we must be aware that being pregnant is not an easy process, but it is the step to prepare ourselves for the most transcendental phase of every woman’s life: being a mother.

You will have to cultivate mental and emotional calm, so taking it easy is perhaps the best advice we can give you.

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