This Is What Happens If You Are A Permissive Parent

Excesses during parenting are not beneficial, and this happens with very permissive parents. In this article, you will learn why this is a problem and what you can do to fix it.
This is what happens if you are a permissive parent

Permissive parents are parents who do not want problems, who do not want conflict, much less have to face their children. In this style of parenting, indulgence or not providing norms, limits and firmness to the raising of children predominates.

Parents, when they have a permissive parenting style and their children are young, may not realize the magnitude of the consequences of continuing with this parenting style in the future. It can affect the development of the child, their social skills and the relationship and affective bond between parents and children.

What are the characteristics of a permissive parent?

A permissive parent is characterized by being easily defined. In addition to the fact that he does not want confrontations with his children and that he does not set norms and limits, there are other characteristics that can reveal that a father (or mother) has a too permissive parenting style. The most prominent are:

  • The father is sensitive but undemanding.
  • The father makes few demands of responsibility or behavior towards the son and accepts what the son says at all times.
  • She accepts the wishes and impulses of her children and covers all the whims that the child demands.
  • They don’t know how to say no or set limits or guidelines for their children.
  • They are lenient and do not enforce authority or the imposition of controls or restrictions.
  • They do not demand appropriate behavior from children such as doing housework, homework, or maintaining table manners.
  • There are no rules or routines at home and less if the child does not feel like it. Instead of allowing the child to choose from several options first thought of by the adult, it lets them control their own behavior and decision-making.
  • There are no rules regarding the time to watch television, nor time organization, nor is there a set mealtime.

What if you have a permissive parenting style?

But being a permissive parent can have serious consequences on children’s development. In addition, although parents seek to get closer to their children emotionally, the reality is that the opposite happens … children do not feel safe in the presence of parents who do not know how to set rules and limits and they withdraw emotionally.

In other words, this parenting style seems to have more negatives than positives. If you want to know some examples of what happens when you are a permissive parent, read the following points:

  • Children tend to have impulsive and aggressive behaviors due to not having worked on self-control.
  • They lack independence and personal responsibilities, they think that others should do things for them and that they don’t have to lift a finger.
  • They feel great insecurity because of the lack of limits.
  • Children can become demanding, selfish, and despotic people.
  • Parents can be overprotective.

Permissive Homes vs Flexible Homes

My parents think that with this parenting style they will be able to create their children in an environment of love, but the reality is that in permissive homes children can become tyrant children who think and feel that they are the center of the world and that their parents must be his servants.


On the other hand, in a flexible environment where rules and limits are the order of the day but there is some flexibility depending on the circumstances, it will make children know what is expected of them at all times and above all, they will have more confidence in their parents because they will feel great security being by their side.

Children who live in flexible homes will be more involved in their behavior and will be more motivated in school, something that will not happen in children raised in permissive homes. When children grow up in a permissive home, they will not feel responsible for their behavior and will not be motivated to do well.

The consequences of a permissive education in children can be exactly the same as if the children are in a very authoritarian education. Flexible parenting where the child’s interests and thinking are respected and the child knows what is expected of him at all times, is the most appropriate.

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