The Problem Of Bullying At Recess

In recent years, cases of bullying have increased in schoolyards. Next, we explain more about the problem of bullying at recess.
The problem of bullying at recess

The bullying, or school bullying is a problem that can occur in any area of the school. Therefore, it is essential to have all areas of the campus controlled, including the playground, since bullying is very common at recess.

Do not forget that the patio is an educational space, as important or more than the classroom. In it, children interact in a playful way with their peers during a significant part of the school day.

The problem of bullying at recess

The classroom and the patio are the places where violent acts are usually carried out.In fact, in the III Study on bullying and cyberbullying , carried out by the ANAR Foundation and the Mutua Madrileña Foundation, the percentages show that 70.7 % of bullying cases occur in classes, and 67.8% in recess.

This is really very worrying, since these figures have increased significantly compared to the results obtained in 2015, a few years ago being 57% in classrooms and 38.2% in recesses.

Child being bullied at recess.

In addition, in the courtyards of any school, children can often be observed who are alone or apart from the group. It is also quite common to see students staying close to the teacher during this school break time. In these situations, the existence of a problem of bullying may be suspected.

Therefore, the relevance of acting preventively against bullying is evident in this context, being an ideal place to promote coexistence and positive social relationships among students.

Organizing the patio to prevent bullying

To prevent the problem of bullying at recess, it is necessary to organize the playground with directed activities in which the teachers must establish and put into practice games for all the students to participate. With this type of activities , the development of:

  • The personality.
  • Social skills.
  • The inclution.
  • Coexistence.

Thus, the playgrounds become spaces for positive relationships, with adequate vigilance and cooperative games. In this way, it is intended to avoid the isolation or rejection suffered by certain students, not being able to participate in the game with other classmates.

In this sense, for a good organization of the patio, it is necessary to propose:

  • Sport activities. 
  • Group dynamics.

Therefore, the playground has to be a space supervised by the teachers  in which they, in addition to monitoring sports activities and games, are in charge of carrying out group dynamics, such as those proposed in the Manual of Dynamics for everyone. of Ramírez.

Girl being bullied by a classmate who yells at her at recess.

Other activities to create a directed recess

Also, other activities can be carried out that have the objective of knowing, attending and accepting diversity.  For example, a circuit divided into different parts can be proposed in which children have to go blindfolded, move around in a wheelchair, communicate by means of signs, etc.

The first tour must be done alone. And the second time, they can ask their peers for help. In this way, the aim is to make students aware of the importance of supports to overcome limitations. With this, they learn to collaborate together and not to exclude certain children because of their differences.

On the other hand, activities can be proposed that, in some way, involve families. How to propose that students carry out the task of asking their parents about the games they played in their childhood. Each child must select one of these and, in class, among all the students, a game is chosen to practice during recess time.

As for the organization of the activities in the playground, the ideal is that the students are divided by age. Although, whether this can be done this way or not, will depend on the characteristics of each school (the number of students, the space available, etc.).

But, regardless of the structuring that is decided, the essential thing is to carry out a dynamic and directed recess in which the skills of positive relationship and cooperation are promoted , without excluding any child. In this way, the problem of bullying at recess can be reduced.

Bullying detection indicators

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