The Importance Of Emotional Education

The importance of emotional education

Emotional education or emotional intelligence is the human quality that allows us to control the various feelings that arise according to the situations in which we find ourselves. Even if at first impression someone considers that we should not mask what we feel and less contain it and hide it, but bring it to light every time it arises because it is the basis of sincerity and naturalness, it is not right to behave like mere animals that act according to your basic instinct.

Our species is superior to others due to the peculiarity of being civilized. We live in society, and the laws that govern coexistence are based on good education, standards of courtesy and tolerance towards our equals.

How to emotionally educate a child?

Parents educate emotionally when we teach children to positively manage their emotions, especially those that arise from social relationships.

Emotional intelligence is an effective way to get along with both those we know and those who are strangers to us; and if we know how to behave and interact within the world in which we live we are enabled to be successful.


To teach emotional education to your child and prepare him to live in society, starting today, you must talk to him about:

  • Empathy
  • Reasoning
  • Assertiveness
  • The perseverance
  • The motivation
  • Politeness
  • Respect
  • Gratitude
  • The discipline
  • Altruism
  • Affection
  • The tolerance
  • The sincerity

Below we expand on 4 that we consider fundamental.


Empathy is the human quality that enables us to put ourselves in the place of the other. It is the cognitive capacity that gives us the ability to perceive as if it were in our own flesh everything that another person may be feeling.

To teach your child to be empathetic, you must ask him how he would feel if another child made fun of his physical qualities in front of the class, just as he likes to do; or explain why he should go visit and play with the little neighbor who just lost his pet.


Assertiveness is the behavior that leads us to communicate openly with others, to be sincere, direct, clear and not to submit to the convictions of others if we do not share them. However, it is essential that you know and instill in your child that being assertive is not attacking or hurting when others do not have the same thoughts, feelings or ideas as ours. Assertiveness is based on defending our rights but being totally respectful, without offending or hurting.


If you want to teach your child to be assertive, first of all, you must instill in him the importance of studying and learning, only then can he build a cognitive base that helps him defend his criteria. To be assertive in your communication and be certain of something, you must know about other people’s research and experiences, handle concepts and concrete facts.


When we speak of courtesy we refer to the implementation of good customs, rules of etiquette that are handled within the culture to which we belong.

So that your child learns to be polite, show him the treatment he should have towards everyone. Teach him to say good morning, thank you, ask about people’s health, give up the seat to the elderly, not interrupt conversations without permission. Make it clear to him that by being polite he is not going to be submissive or servile but polite and friendly.

The tolerance

To be truly tolerant, you have to handle an emotional intelligence like few others.

Tolerance is the human capacity that basically contains our negative impulses in the face of situations that are unpleasant or hurt us. Tolerance enables peaceful coexistence between different human beings; with different emotions, motivations, aspirations, reasonings and ideas.

If you teach your child to be tolerant, you will be giving him the safest tool that exists to curb his violent impulses and handle any situation as a civilized person. If you tell him how to be tolerant you will show him the way to listen, without losing his mind, to those who have values ​​and act contrary to his convictions.

Mom, through emotional education, a capacity of the human being, a reasoning is reached that favors the control of emotions. In this way, it is possible to survive, live, and succeed in today’s world.

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