The Figure Of Jasmine In The New Aladdin Movie

Even Disney movies and their characters evolve to anchor themselves in the thoughts of today. Don’t miss Jasmine’s big change in the new Aladdin remake
Jasmine's figure in the new Aladdin movie

On the 24th of May, a remake of one of the best-known films in the Disney saga hit theaters : Aladdin. The film, starring Aladdin and Jasmine, follows practically the same plot as in the cartoon classic that unveiled this story and which was released 17 years ago, in 2002.

However,  one of the great differences between the two films, if not the greatest, is the figure of Jasmine throughout it. Disney producers know that times and eras change and evolve and, with it, so do the characters. Today we discover the great change of one of the main characters of the film.

Jasmine’s character in the Disney classic

Despite the fact that in this remake the character of the protagonist has evolved and has been given more importance than in the 2002 classic, Jasmine has never had the image of being a conventional  princess as other princesses such as Cinderella have been. or Snow White.

The figure of Jasmine in the new Aladdin movie.
© Walt Disney Pictures, Lin Pictures, Marc Platt Productions

Does anyone remember Jasmine dressed in big ball gowns? The correct answer is no, since this princess has always been characterized by her pretty blue pantsuit. Although this may seem like an unimportant aspect, the dress of the princesses says a lot about them.

Another aspect that means that she has never been a conventional princess is that, whenever she could, she escaped to visit the city, since she was forbidden to leave the palace. Breaking the rules is not one of the things that characterize this cast of Disney princesses of old.

Last but not least, we talk about the figure of animals in these children’s films. Whereas in movies like Cinderella her ‘friends’ are mice and little birds or, in Rapunzel’s case, a lizard, Jasmine’s best friend and faithful companion is a Bengal tiger.

All these characteristics make it clear that the creation of this Disney princess from the beginning wanted to show itself as vindictive and differentiated from the rest.

Jasmine in the remake of this 2019

All this vindication and this breaking of rules and regulations that we are talking about are what are revealed in this remake of Aladdin . In this new film, Jasmine’s goal, despite the prohibition in the law that women cannot be sultans of the kingdom, is to be sultana when her father wants to stop being.

In the course of the film we see how her father tries to introduce several princes to Jasmine so that she gets married and the chosen one is the sultan. However, Jasmine is totally reluctant to this idea of ​​getting married out of obligation and without feelings.

The figure of Jasmine in the new Aladdin movie.
© Walt Disney Pictures, Lin Pictures, Marc Platt Productions

What with this thought she wants to show is that,  despite being a princess, her freedom is above everything else, and she does not need a prince to reign in order to stay in the background.

“I will not shut up”, the new song included in the remake

Such is the importance that they have wanted to give to this character that  this film has included a new song sung entirely by Jasmín,  whose title totally makes the difference before even listening to it: “I will not be silent” 

With phrases such as “You will only be able to see, hear and be silent, but that story is over” or “Even the echo says that I no longer shut up “, Disney makes it very clear that the personalities of these new princesses of the 21st century are totally different from the of the previous classics.

Therefore, the remake of the Aladdin film continues to maintain the essence of the wonderful classic released years ago, but knowing how to adapt to the thoughts and attitudes of today, claiming the importance of the figure of women and breaking stereotypes.

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