The Father And His Role In Breastfeeding

The role that the father plays during the duration of breastfeeding is essential, since he will act as a support and guide at all times to encourage and sustain the family.
The father and his role in breastfeeding

As is logical, while breastfeeding lasts, it is the mother who has the most prominence. But what about the father and his role in this very important period for the baby and the family? It is also basic.

And it is that, at the birth of the child, both the father and the mother play different but complementary roles and, be that as it may, both are very important for the good development of the child. During lactation, too.

The family during breastfeeding

The family must always be present in all phases : from the moment the mother becomes pregnant onwards. Remember that when we talk about family, we mean father, mother and siblings, if they exist.

During breastfeeding, mother and child create a unique bond, a bond that can last a lifetime. It is normal, since breast milk is the best food that a baby can receive in its first months of life, as proclaimed by organizations such as UNICEF.

Father supporting his wife while breastfeeding her baby.

The role of both parents is essential from birth, as we see. For this reason, it is necessary that the decision that the child drink breast milk from the first day is consensual, since not all parents are for the work of this option.

Although nowadays excellent artificial breast milk is manufactured, nothing like natural milk for the little one to develop its special antibodies and enjoy the necessary nutrients to avoid infections, respiratory problems, asthma and flu, ear problems, allergies and diarrhea, and others diseases that could occur in these early stages of development.

Breastfeeding as a teamwork of the father and mother

With that said, let’s briefly see what the father can do to support the mother during this first phase in which the child will only eat from the mother’s breast. Some need all the support possible, especially when they suffer from certain conditions, such as postpartum depression.

Constant support

The father becomes a support, a constant help for the mother during the duration of breastfeeding. The mother needs an environment of tranquility and it will be her partner who gives it and provokes it.

The father will be dedicated to solving bureaucratic problems, housework and everything necessary to create the optimal environment for mother and baby. He will also take care of the rest of the children, if the couple has more children.

The father as a backup in difficult times

Mothers go through difficult and overwhelming moments during breastfeeding. Sometimes the little one gets constipated, she suffers from mastitis or is a little depressed after giving birth. In these key moments, the father will remain calm, reassure his wife and help her with understanding and affection.

Parents giving their baby a kiss.

Constant attention

The father will behave as an attentive member of the family, instilling security and calm in everyone. It will cover the needs for care and support, it will avoid unnecessary dislikes and arguments, and it will maintain a good mood and comfort, being sensitive to the feelings of each person, especially the mother, but also the rest of the children, if any.

Moments with the child

It will also take into account that the child is not suckling for 24 hours. In other words, throughout the day, the father will have his moments to be with his little one and establish powerful affective and attachment bonds. To do this, you can take the opportunity to give him a bath, change diapers, accompany the mother while the little one breastfeeds, or calm him if he has a problem, such as colic in the infant, a tooth appears, etc.

The father as a constant source of information

The father will dedicate himself to learning about breastfeeding and will pass that information on to the mother. In this case, you can take advantage of the knowledge of experts, such as nurses or midwives, as well as educators and experts, who explain how to give support and details to the mother so that this process goes as well as possible.

The father is always paramount and his role in breastfeeding is very important as constant support and help for the other members of the family, and especially for the mother. It needs to be there at all times and whenever it is needed.

Breastfeeding and the benefits for the mother

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