The Best Foods To Eat Postpartum

Foods of organic and fresh origin are the most suitable to nourish the mother in moments as important as postpartum, but also throughout the different stages of life, in general. 
The best foods to eat postpartum

Pregnancy motivates mothers to lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes diet. However, postpartum, there are some that are neglected, when it would be appropriate to always maintain good habits. 

The way a woman eats postpartum influences her recovery process and also favors or damages her mood (as the case may be). As they say: “we are what we eat”. 

In the postpartum, it is important not only to eat well so that the body recovers, but to be able to comply with breastfeeding accordingly. Let’s see below what are the best foods for it.

The best foods to eat postpartum


The consumption of spinach provides the body with a significant dose of vitamin A. This vitamin is very necessary for both the mother and the child; because it is a source of calcium, which does not come from milk . Spinach is a product rich in antioxidants, which helps prevent tissue aging.

In the same way, it is ideal to contribute to weight loss after childbirth, because it is low in calories. At the same time, it supports the function of the heart and other body systems.


 Wholegrain rice

During the postpartum stage, a woman needs carbohydrates, but does not want it to cost her weight gain. To do this, it is convenient to incorporate brown rice into the diet, which provides the energy required to recover. In the same way, it helps to improve the production and quality of milk.

An advantage of whole wheat rice is that it can be combined with various foods. You can prepare them as a main dish or use them as a side to salads, steamed vegetables or stir-fries.

Lean meats, liver and shellfish

This type of food contains nutrients that promote healing ; for example, those that contain zinc, iron and vitamin B1. These can be found in fish, shellfish and mollusks, as well as liver and the main lean meats.

Legumes, nuts, eggs and dairy are an interesting source. These products can be combined in the different meals that we make daily. In addition, due to its variety, it is possible to create a different menu every day.

Iron is found in many foods of plant origin, for example vegetables and fruits. Swiss chard, parsley, radishes, beets and cabbages; they are rich in this mineral. Nuts and cereals also provide their contribution.

Citrus foods

Vitamin C is very important during breastfeeding. That is why the foods you eat postpartum contain this nutrient. Citrus foods are rich in vitamin C, among these we have oranges, lemon, grapefruit and tangerines.


These foods are understood to contribute to healing. They are also recommended to improve the body’s defenses. Citrus fruits also help absorb iron better; while coffee or tea block said absorption.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin K, which is adequate to recover the wear and tear of tissues. The foods that contain it are vegetables such as tomatoes, squash, cauliflower, chard, lettuce, kale and alfalfa, among others.

Vitamin K is also present in liver, whole grains, and plant-based oils. Beef and eggs also contain vitamin K, but in smaller amounts.


One of the properties of blueberries is that they are antioxidants. They are especially recommended postpartum because they help the mother in her recovery, while being suitable for breastfeeding.

Its rich content in minerals and vitamins allows to raise the energy level. The consumption of blueberries is simple, because they serve as a snack and can also be served for breakfast, along with yogurt and cereals. Likewise, there are some recipes to prepare delicious blueberry juices.

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