Teach Him Lovingly So That He Can Memorize Better

Teach him with love so that he memorizes better

To help the child to memorize better it is advisable to teach them with affection, because as we well know, positive stimuli prevail over negative ones. If we want our little ones to have permanent memories and more lasting learning, it is convenient that we begin to educate them with more affectionate strategies.

Affection leaves indelible marks on people, this foundation is very useful to teach children to memorize faster. In general, what we enjoy lasts much longer in our memory, since the emotions that connect us are positive and therefore more enduring.

It is common for us to forget those chapters that we find boring or cause indifference, this because emotionally they did not stimulate us enough. However, the best memories tend to stay with us longer and,  as adults, we can see that we remember some things better than others, which is something that works for children too.


Positive stimuli improve memorization

Teaching is a process that requires a lot of patience, which is why some people are better at it than others. In the case of mothers, teaching with affection is not a great demand, but sometimes we can be a little stronger than we should.

According to specialists, it is easier for babies to have effective associations when there was a positive stimulus involved, this because emotions also respond positively. Studies have revealed that the best moments are best remembered, in part because affection is able to activate the system of arousal and attention.

It has been shown that babies can remember the happy, angry or sad attitude of people, therefore, if these types of emotions are related to some teaching, they can determine a clearer memory. If a person tries to teach something to a child while speaking angrily, they will have less chance of success in teaching.


It is understood that babies are born capable of memorizing, as it is one of the elements that allows them to discover and identify the context that surrounds them. Not because they cannot speak or express clearly what they feel, babies stop understanding what is happening around them, therefore emotions are a fundamental part of their development.

It is possible that children pay more attention to the emotion that the educator transmits; Therefore, if it is a message accompanied by charisma and a positive attitude, there will be an emotional memory. In this sense, we can speak of a certain openness to loving words and an affectionate attitude, which is essential in dealing with children.

How to get the baby to memorize better?

As we have already said, the main key for the baby to memorize better is affection and all the positive stimuli that we can use. It is understandable that children inspire us a lot of tenderness, which is why it is very difficult not to be affectionate with them; however, sometimes educating requires more firmness.

The screaming or angry attitude common in adults when they want to educate children, this could be the reason why sometimes it seems that they do not remember what we say to them. In this particular, the specialists affirm that there is a blockage in the processing of information that is expressed with a negative attitude.

To help in this process, specialists recommend lovingly teaching them and incorporating the following measures.

  • Games are ideal to promote children’s memory, as they will learn through fun actions that they will want to remember to repeat. Songs and rhymes are recommended for young children, as they grow up educational games can be incorporated
  • From an early age we can focus on repeating the names of objects and people around them, little by little they will understand the meaning of many words. In addition, a clear conversation with the child helps him learn the language faster.
  • We can encourage him to remember when it comes to something important to them, let’s try hiding the toys so that he can find them and help him reason about their location
  • Let’s stimulate your concentration, so that there is less chance of missing the most important thing and thus obtain the keys to remember better.

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