Students With Educational Compensation Needs

Students with educational compensation needs make up one of the different groups of students that require specific support in their education.
Students with educational compensation needs

The need for attention to diversity to be part of the planning of the teaching-learning process is an increasingly generalized and socially shared issue. Among the many difficulties that students may present are those with educational compensation needs (ANCE). These needs are becoming more and more frequent in our classrooms.

Having said that, who are these students? Why is it important that at a normative level they are recognized as another group with educational support needs within the educational system? Read on and discover why care for students with educational compensation needs is necessary.

Who are the students with educational compensation needs?

In order to guarantee the principle of equality in education, public administrations are responsible for developing compensatory actions for those students who are in an unfavorable situation.

Child with educational compensation needs being helped by his teacher.

Thus, among students with a specific need for educational support we find different groups: students with high intellectual abilities, students with special educational needs, students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD), etc.

Until recently, some of these groups were not normatively considered students with educational support needs. This is the case of boys and girls with ADHD. Thus, this hindered the educational attention of these students.

Among them is the group of students who present a series of educational compensation needs, which lead to the student being in a socio-educational disadvantage due to their belonging to ethnic and cultural minorities or due to social, personal and educational factors.

In other words:  depending on the situation in which the student finds himself, the educational attention that he needs will be different according to the following circumstances of educational compensation:

  • Late incorporation to the Spanish educational system. This creates educational needs.
  • Special personal, geographical, social and cultural conditions.
  • Difficulties of educational insertion.
  • Significant school lag. With two or more courses of difference between the level of curricular competence that the student meets and the level at which he is or will be in school.
  • Irregular schooling.

What are the best methodologies to favor the inclusion of these students?

Currently, there is a wide range of different teaching methods that promote the development of inclusive practices. Among them, the so-called active methodologies stand out , which guarantee the participation of all students. In addition, they also include those with educational needs.

Special education is also aimed at recreation.

In this sense, as stated in the II Plan for Attention to Diversity in Education in Castilla y León, we find methodological options that encourage and promote interaction, creation, metacognition and even social commitment. For example, cooperative learning, problem-based learning, routine thinking, and service learning, among others.

On the other hand, inclusive teaching methods in the classroom should be used across all facets of school life, so that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can access the education they deserve.

About students with educational compensation needs

In short, it is concluded that, in order to offer a quality education that respects the rights of equity and inclusion of students, it is necessary to contemplate and include the attention of students with educational compensatory needs in any type of teaching planning.

Thus, it is necessary that the educational authorities recognize this student body. All this in order to provide teachers with the resources and specific training to know how to meet these needs and to be able to guarantee an adequate inclusion in the academic center.

What are specific educational support needs?

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