Solutions For Your Teenager’s Acne

Solutions for your teenager's acne

Teen acne is a common condition. It is a skin disease that appears especially together with puberty. Although it can persist into adulthood, the main causes in adolescence are hormonal.

At least 90% of young people are affected by this skin problem. This average is estimated, including impurities in the skin, typical of this stage. However, only 30% of these people receive medical treatment.

It can be said that, although it is a disease, it is not treated as such. Because it is such a common process , most of the time we let it go without special care. In some cases, it is cared for in a mild way; but you hardly ever go to a dermatologist.

There are many ways to help our teenager overcome his acne problem. It is important to be concerned about this situation, as it affects them in various aspects. Young people who suffer from acne can also suffer from emotional problems. In some cases they are teased because of the appearance of their face. Also, it can cause discomfort, pain, or itching, which can aggravate your condition.

Why does acne occur?


At least four factors are recognized that directly affect the appearance of acne. In most cases, it occurs in adolescents due to hormonal changes caused at puberty. Once produced endogenously, other external factors contribute to its appearance and persistence.

The main biological causes of acne development are as follows.

  • This refers to the excess production of sebum, which is a substance produced naturally to lubricate the skin and hair. Under normal conditions, this production does not necessarily affect the skin; but it can increase for different reasons. Genetic factors, hormones, medications, weather or diet can cause an increase in sebum.
  • Microbial colonization. Numerous bacteria live naturally on our skin. These can accumulate excessively, plugging the follicles and causing complications. This obstruction can lead to cysts and hyperkeratosis.

Recommendations to take care of skin with acne

When our son has acne, he will most likely be distressed by the persistence of it. This problem is a cause of stress and a certain emotional affection. Therefore, it is a good idea that we help you overcome this problem from the beginning. In addition, according to specialists, it is something that can be prevented and started to reverse even if it is very mild.

We can choose the advice of dermatologists, but it is also something that can be done at home. There are treatment options based on natural elements and there are also many medications. One of the main damages that we want to avoid is that acne becomes complicated and can cause permanent damage to the skin.


Some tips that can help are the following.

  • Let acne breakouts heal on their own. It is not convenient to squeeze them at all, because this can lead to scars or worsening of the problem
  • Avoid using comedogenic products ; that is, those that can cause clogging of the pores. In this sense, we must choose those that specify that they are “non-comedogenic”. They can be skin care or makeup products
  • At the end of the day, it removes impurities that may accumulate, for example, from the use of cosmetic products.
  • To clean the face, it is preferable to use warm water. It is believed that hot or cold water can make acne aggravate
  • Products such as those in the Eucerin DermoPURIFYER range are highly recommended by dermatologists to treat acne-prone skin.
  • With the doctor’s orders, antibiotics and retinoids are sometimes applied
  • Use sunscreen that is specific for oily skin
  • Choose those products that contain L-carnitine and protection for the production of sebum
  • Moderate the consumption of foods rich in sugar, flour or dairy products.

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