Sleepwalking Children: Is It Dangerous To Wake Them Up?

Sleepwalking children: is it dangerous to wake them up?

Sleeping is one of the ac t most important things for children because the proper development of their abilities depends on it. On many occasions, we cannot avoid certain disorders that affect the quality of sleep such as sleepwalking. Faced with this problem, the first question we ask ourselves is: will it be dangerous to wake them up?

When the little ones in the house are sleepwalkers, we can spend our whole lives debating between myth and reality about the danger that interrupting this process can imply. . However, before starting to explain the possible causes and solutions of this phenomenon, it is important to know that this happens to at least 40% of children between 6 and 15 years old.

These figures reveal that it is a frequent topic in childhood and, therefore, we must be attentive to a series of recommendations to avoid unfortunate consequences . Now, how do you distinguish if it really is sleepwalker ? If you see that he sits on the bed, performs acts without explanation, walks without sense, etc; You could be experiencing an episode of sleepwalking.

Usually, these types of situations occur if they are very tired, stressed by some special activity or have a fever . Sometimes, the urge to go to the bathroom makes them wake up asleep and wander around the house for a long time and, perhaps, they do not arrive at the right place to do the need.

 Sleepwalking children: do I wake it up or not?

Most specialists insist that there is no problem in waking up a baby that is suffering from sleepwalking . However, they recommend that you treat yourself with great patience, trying to guide you back to the room and avoiding tripping over any blunt object.

Some people often make fun of this disorder without knowing that they have consequences for the little ones . In other words, don’t worry if you see it happen from time to time; But if he does it between two and three times a week, do not hesitate to consult an expert.

Stress, fever or fatigue can encourage this phenomenon

Also, if you notice that this is accompanied by snoring, constant waking and hyperactivity, you should seek guidance to rule out a disorder called sleep apnea , in which breathing is interrupted up to 30 times per hour.

On the other hand, If you notice that this disorder persists after overcoming puberty, you have to attend to the case as soon as possible . In any of the cases, it is essential that you take certain precautionary measures to prevent them from hurting themselves with the environment or leaving the house without realizing it.

Up to now, This phenomenon is still being investigated, although some associate it with epileptic problems  or migraines . In general, it is associated with men, during the deep sleep phase and usually lasts between 5 and 30 minutes approximately.

If accompanied by snoring and hyperactivity, it could be sleep apnea

In this sense, as advice, just try not to wake him up so he doesn’t feel disoriented, speak to him in a slow voice, take him calmly to his bed and accompany him for a few moments so that he feels safe .

How to curb infant sleepwalking

Fortunately, sleepwalking children are not sick and do not need to take any special medications. The work to correct it is done from home with the following alternatives:

  • Invite him to take a nap in the afternoon, to reduce fatigue and rest his body and mind
  • Try not to get involved with violent or dynamic video games that generate emotional stress
  • Establish a routine to encourage sleeping habits, that is, control the hours, create a positive environment, ask him to shower before going to bed
  • Provide light meals at night and avoid sweets
  • Read him a story that will fill the imagination with beautiful stories
  • Lie down next to him and hug him  until he falls asleep

Sleepwalking children at home

If your baby suffers from this condition, it is worth taking into account these tips to protect him:

  • Collect all the toys and eliminate what may be an obstacle that hurts him
  • Lock the doors that lead to the outside of the house and the stairs
  • Place a bell on top of the bedroom door, so you know when it opens at night
  • Avoid using bunk beds

Little by little, this will decrease. Be patient and make her have a happy day, so she can rest easy.

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