School Dropout And Its Consequences

School dropout and its consequences

School dropout is everyone’s problem, both in the family and in society. Adolescents who do not continue their studies after completing Secondary Education, or who do not even complete it and obtain their degree , become a direct quarry of delinquency, economic dependency, or depression.

So that your child never becomes part of any of these groups, in this text we offer you some suggestions that, from this minute, we consider, you should put into practice.

Remember, education starts from home.

Causes that motivate the interruption of studies

School discontinuation is a more common problem than it may seem with various causes. Among them we can cite you:

  • The low economic resources of the family that encourage the child to enter the work environment before finishing their studies
  • Teen pregnancy
  • The negative influences of the family environment in which the young person lives, their friends, neighbors and the rest of the society in which they live
  • Early addictions to drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol for which you need to spend a large monetary outlay
  • Poor performance, bullying, negative experiences, little interest, many distractions, or lack of support that you can receive in your educational center

Every day there are thousands of pretexts that can drive minors to divorce themselves from the educational system and dedicate themselves to other tasks; However, just as there are negative influences, there are also positive ones, and these are the ones that should be encouraged from home to avoid early school leaving.

Next, we will talk about them.

Make studying attractive to him

Boy doing homework

The whole family must contribute directly to stimulating their minors to enjoy research and study. That must be one of the first goals.

For a child to be interested in studying, he must find it truly attractive to inquire, ask, read, seek information from various sources on a specific topic.

Help him pose problems and ask himself questions that may catch his attention so that he wants to find an answer on his own.

To enhance all this, it is better if mom or dad, or the two of them together, accompany him in his study. It does not matter if the research is focused on finding what other utensils besides pipe cleaners can be used when making soap bubbles.

Any time and subject is ideal to accustom the child to the fact that knowledge does not take up space, and that it is great to know the truth of things, to learn about different subjects.

Never talk or treat anything that has to do with school as punishment or something bad

If your child is playing, do not force him to leave recreation to go do his homework. More than forcing him, convince him to dedicate a certain schedule to it. You need to get used to sticking to the routine every day without sacrificing your playtime or your school reviews.

When he is sick and you decide not to take him to school, don’t threaten him with: “If you walk barefoot, I’ll take you to school.”

Satisfy your basic needs

You, as his mother, have the responsibility of supporting him financially during his years of studies while he is a minor, or contributing together with his father and family, so that your son has his basic needs covered: food, study, health …

You should put any concerns about financial deprivation, accounts payable, low income, or unemployment out of your mind.

Your child should not worry about adult issues, much less, occupy his little mind in looking for some way to work to contribute to the support of the family.

It is not yet time for that.

Reward him

Rewards are important to stimulate a child. That they do not become a payment that he expects to receive every time he gets a good grade, but that it is an encouragement that you give him every so often to remind him how happy you are with his performance, how proud you feel, or how good you are. which is to do well in school and behave as you have taught him.

School dropout. A problem that can be avoided

Mom, if you want to prevent your son from leaving school early, make sure that he does not become an Internet addict. It is essential that the morning does not pass in video games, because the next day you will not have the strength to get up and that, little by little, will demotivate you.

Keep him away from bad influences. It is not that you choose your friends, but it is always good to keep an eye on who you bring home, especially if you are going through the difficult stage of adolescence when you feel an urgent need to be part of the group, listen to what your friends say , and the most dangerous, follow them on their adventures.

Early school leaving can be avoided.

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