Rules For Sailing With Children

In summer, all kinds of activities are carried out with the children, especially those that have to do with water and nautical activities. What are the recommendations for sailing with children?
Regulations for sailing with children

Many parents may feel uneasy at the idea of ​​putting their children on board a ship. They are probably concerned about their safety, wondering what to do if children get dizzy, etc. But this adventure can be very pleasant and even unforgettable for young and old.

For parents and children to feel calm , it is necessary to take into account some important aspects and learn all the details before sailing with children. There are some general safety rules for sailing and also certain specific recommendations on the precautions to be taken when doing it with children. Here are some elements to get to know them better.

Meteorological information

The first thing to do before sailing, whether with children or not, is to find out about the weather conditions. These must be optimal so that the trip is pleasant and to avoid possible bad moments. If the forecast is not clear, it is preferable to cancel the navigation  and avoid risks that cannot be controlled.

The National Institute of Meteorology issues specific meteorological information for maritime areas. This information is widely disseminated through various media and other means such as TOTEM units, which are found in yacht clubs and marinas.

Girl sitting in a boat on the shore of the beach about to go sailing.

This information can also be accessed through radio transmissions through the Maritime Rescue Centers, through the Navtex system or on the website of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).

Precautions for sailing with children according to their age

The browsing experience and the security measures to be taken vary depending on the age of the minors. For example , babies will be safer in cabins,  and the movement of the boat is likely to help them sleep for a long time.

Children from 5 to 10 years old generally enjoy the experience of sailing a lot, and they experience every detail as a great adventure. Older children and teens will need extra motivation to enjoy the trip. The best thing for them is to involve them in the tasks of the ship. They are sure to have a great time. 

Children must remain under the supervision of an adult at all times during the boat trip. In addition, they must wear the life jacket and, if the sea is rough, they will have to put on the safety harness. It is also important to teach some basic rules for sailing to children who are old enough to understand.

Heed the instructions

To navigate with children, the first thing to explain is that on the ship “where the captain rules, the sailor does not rule . That is, they have to follow all orders for their safety. A disobedient child can put himself at risk and put others at risk while boating.

Girl sailing through the sea with life jacket.

The little ones have to learn to respect the safety rules of the boat at all times. For example, they must know that they cannot go to the bow without an adult and that there are certain things that they cannot touch for any reason, such as the cockpit controls or the radio.

Children must learn to move around the boat always holding on to some part of it with one hand: “one hand for you, the other for the boat.” 

If these safety rules are respected, fun for children is guaranteed. In addition to sailing, activities such as jumping from the boat (when it is anchored and off, of course), snorkeling or fishing are usually the favorite plans of the little ones. There are many water activities and water sports that you can enjoy.

Recommendations for sailing with children: what to do if they get dizzy?

It is very common for children to get seasick. In fact, it happens frequently to adults too. And this can seriously affect the sailing day. Dizziness is less common in children under two years of age. There are some simple recommendations that can help us avoid seasickness in children.

The first thing we can do is give them some children’s medicine against dizziness that contains biodramina. It is important that they take it half an hour before getting on board. Another good recommendation is to make sure that they eat a good breakfast, that they hydrate properly and that they take vitamin C.

Safety on vacations with the baby

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