Recipes With Calcium For The Child

Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body. Its intake conditions bone health. For this reason we present you two recipes to guarantee your contribution.
Recipes with calcium for the child

Calcium is the mineral that is involved in the formation of teeth and bones and is responsible for how healthy they can be. It also participates in the functioning of the central nervous system and in the transmission of nerve impulses, in the contraction of muscles, in the regulation of the heartbeat and in blood clotting.

Calcium also acts as a stimulant for enzymes so that they convert food into the energy necessary for the body to carry out its metabolic functions. A calcium deficiency from childhood can cause bone deformities and conditions such as osteoporosis and rickets.

Due to its importance in the development of your little one, today we offer you some recipes with calcium recommended for children under two years of age after they have passed six months of breastfeeding.

Avocado and rice porridge

Avocado is a fruit rich in calcium. Its natural consumption is delicious; but if your child doesn’t like it, you can always include it as an ingredient in a recipe. We will show it to you below.

Remember, however, that calcium is absorbed much better if the body’s vitamin D levels are adequate, as stated by research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


– 1 slice of ripe avocado.
– 2 tablespoons of rice cooked with plenty of water that is very soft (the rice must be cooked with salt).
– Ripe tomato sauce with oil, salt, garlic and onion.

Preparation method:
Before making the avocado porridge, you must prepare the ripe tomato sauce. To do this, follow these indications.

Inside a crusher add 2 cloves of garlic, 2 thin slices of onion, ΒΌ of green pepper and a pinch of salt. Mash this until the spices disintegrate.

In a pan, add a previously washed, peeled and diced tomato (you must discard the seeds) and add the spices. Add the recommended tablespoon of oil and let this simmer for a few seconds.

It is important that you stir the sauce and do not lose sight of it. When you see that the tomato has wilted, remove the pan from the heat and let it cool.

After a few minutes, when the sauce has lost heat, put it in a blender, also add the 2 tablespoons of cooked rice and the avocado.

Start beating until you see that all the ingredients have been mixed. Strain the porridge and serve it to your little one. If your child doesn’t mind lumps (which is difficult for young children), instead of using a mixer, you can choose to mash the ingredients with a fork.

Tutifruti custard recipe


For dessert we leave a nutritious and delicious tutifruti custard. It is a very good source of calcium for your child, especially if he is one of those who reject the bottle and milk.

If you want to provide your little one with an extra natural source of calcium in addition to milk and cornstarch, include a wide variety of fruits among the ingredients. This recipe is free of added sugars, unlike commercial custard. This ingredient can affect the metabolic health of the child, according to experts, so it should be avoided.

– 1 tablespoon of natural cornstarch.
– 1 glass of cow’s milk.
– Fruit smoothie (depending on the season and those you have on hand in your country) apple, tangerine juice, pineapple, cherries, grapes, orange juice, strawberries, soursop, mango, melon, pear, banana, papaya …

Preparation method:
Dissolve the cornstarch in the milk and put the mixture in a container over the fire. Keep stirring to prevent the cornstarch from settling to the bottom and sticking.

When the milk gets fat, lower the container off the heat and let it cool down a bit.

In a blender, add the portions of fruit that you have on hand and beat them until they disintegrate. It is important that the shake is extremely thick that when straining it is difficult for it to pass through the strainer.

When you have the smoothie strained, serve the custard in a large container and add the smoothie. The portions should be equivalent, that is, if you have a glass of custard you must add a glass of fruit smoothie.

Next, take a spoon and gently stir the mixture; But keep the custard and fruit from mixing completely. With this we only pursue that the two ingredients are made like a salad in which even being together they can be seen separately.

Take the recipe to the refrigerator and let it cool for a few hours. Then serve it to your child.

Include recipes with calcium in the child’s diet

As you have seen, calcium is one of the essential minerals to ensure proper development. It is essential to include it in the child’s diet to avoid problems related to bone health. For this reason we recommend that you put the aforementioned recipes into practice.

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