Real Learning Happens Daily

Real learning doesn’t just happen in school, it happens on a daily basis, with the most everyday things.
Real learning happens every day

Many think that real learning always happens in the classroom, but nothing could be further from the truth. While it is true that formal learning provided by schools is essential, informal and real learning occurs on a daily basis, in everyday moments and, almost always, without our realizing it.

Education and real learning

When you hear the word education, what do you think of? In favorite teachers? On the worst topics? Essay tests and spelling tests? Undoubtedly, this form of education is very important, because  p ermite a better understanding of a wide range of topics.

However, education doesn’t just happen in the classroom ; It doesn’t just happen when you try to remember the most important concepts learned from various textbooks. It happens in the intangible, unrecorded, unwritten and unmemorized moments in the hallways, on the patio and, if you’re lucky, on the street with friends. It happens by doing things; many of them outside the classroom.

No one learns to tie shoelaces in class

Nobody learns how to tie their shoelaces from a textbook or how to make friends in the lesson after lunch. These come through other types of learning ; learning in the real world through actions.

Parents with their daughter enjoying their real learning space at home.

We, as people of various ages, gain a great deal of tacit knowledge by performing daily routines, observing others, and practicing everyday skills.  School, for most of us, gives us very obvious examples of this.

Learning the art of negotiation by exchanging cards, mastering diplomacy when two friends become rivals, and learning to lead when cast as team captain for some type of game are examples of that kind of learning.

However, it is not just the school that provides us with this. By giving people the autonomy and opportunity to learn practical skills with guidance and immediate demand, powerful learning and resources emerge.

Empower people with real learning

By empowering people rather than machines, it ensures that people develop the skills to have a meaningful and successful exit in life. As the old saying goes:  Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him to fish and he will never starve again.”

As we grow, children grow too. With this, their skills develop, their learning continues, and their independence becomes more and more ingrained. We think it’s cool. Not all learning begins and ends in the classroom, but by doing, empowering, and making decisions, we can all change something and hopefully, in a small but significant way, improve it.

Children always want to learn

Children have an insatiable desire to learn. If your desire is nurtured and encouraged, the possibilities are endless. As an observer, rather than a teacher, you may find that the only time learning is slow and cumbersome is when “teaching” gets in the way.

If at home the teaching model used in school is abandoned and you no longer focus on only what is in class but on life, children will learn much more and with greater motivation. While pursuing their interests, children learn.

Child learning in nature.

In fact, when they do something they love, their learning happens at an accelerated rate. Each day presents unique learning opportunities. Your job is to tune in to your child’s interests and talents and then provide the resources or tools that will allow them to pursue them.

In the process of exploring, investigating, and indulging in a current passion or interest, the average child will learn what they need to know and move forward with little or no realization.

Seek inspiration in everyday, everyday learning

If you need some inspiration, turn off the television, get out of the house, and do things with your kids. If you have the opportunity, visit museums, bookstores, rural areas, the beach, the fire station … Parks often offer free educational programs, and many companies offer free tours to groups. There are many opportunities that you cannot miss.

Learning is sometimes like a seed waiting to sprout. It seems like nothing is happening, but with a little love and the right kind of attention, ideas and interests suddenly emerge and real learning begins.

There is also a certain joy in sharing new discoveries with children and re-learning things that have been long forgotten. But the best thing is to spend quality time with the children.

Importance of informal learning

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