Possible Complications Of Teething In Babies

Possible complications of teething in babies

Teething is a difficult stage, both for parents and babies before the first year. Although not all babies are the same, in most cases, little ones suffer different discomforts. Although it is a process that always ends well, sometimes complications can arise.

Given the symptoms that little ones experience during the emergence of their first teeth, it is advisable to act quickly. Even when we know that it hurts them, that they cry and stop eating because of this, we must make them feel better. We cannot stop teething, but it is necessary to alleviate the symptoms.

In this sense, we cannot voluntarily decide how to alleviate the discomfort. Certain medications are not suitable for treating children under two years of age. According to studies, certain doses of the wrong drug can be fatal to a baby.

Teething usually proceeds normally. However, a child can look truly ill at this stage. Some little ones have diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration. The appearance of a very high fever is also a risk factor. Despite this, what worries pediatricians the most is the treatment of symptoms.

How do teething complications manifest?

Pain, fever and diarrhea are the main symptoms that affect the baby in teething. Being normal signals, we may not worry too much. However, leaving these symptoms untreated can compromise the baby’s health.

On the other hand, it is necessary to be very careful with the treatment for such discomforts. Pediatricians point out that teething itself does not bring as many complications as the evolution of symptoms. In this sense, even though we know that it is a question of the teeth coming out, we go to the specialist to indicate the correct medication.

Self-medication is another factor that can cause complications that appear at this stage. When we decide to give them some medicine to relieve teething discomfort, it is very important that it has been indicated by the pediatrician.

“It is important to always consult a pediatrician before giving any medicine or oral anesthetic to a minor”

– Jaime Cisneros. Pediatrician-

There are some risks related to the indiscriminate use of drugs. For example, those that contain elements such as prilocaine, benzocaine and lidocaine, found in topical anesthetics. These types of medications are used to numb the gums and prevent teething pain.

These types of compounds have been found to cause methemoglobinemia. This disease can cause permanent brain damage, as it prevents hemoglobin from transporting oxygen to the tissues. As a result, the brain can be injured, and even death can occur.

Annoyances that get complicated

It goes without saying that serious diarrhea and fever should be controlled, even when they are known to be caused by teething. However, these are not the only complications that can arise. At the time of feeding the baby may experience pain or itching, so it may be stopping to feed properly.

On the other hand, in certain cases the tooth that is going to come out does not continue its evolution and remains inside the gum. This situation interrupts the natural teething process. When the tooth is left without coming out, it produces a bulge that can degenerate into a cyst. Given this scenario, the pediatrician or dentist may decide to make an incision for the tooth to continue its course.

If that was the case and we had not discovered that your discomfort was due to teething, we may not notice the embedded tooth. Consequently, we will notice that a hematoma forms on the gum. Also, it is necessary to observe the accompaniment of other mentioned symptoms.

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