My Son Loves Animals!

The benefits of having a pet at home are well proven. For our children, the possibility of living with an animal can provide a great teaching on values ​​such as respect, responsibility and love for nature.
My son loves animals!

Your child loves animals and it is no wonder; In addition to being adorable and fun, there are many benefits to having pets from a young age. What must be analyzed, conscientiously and without haste, is the type of animal that suits the child according to his age.

When children are young, all the care of the puppies will fall on you. However, at the end of the day and in time, you will see that the effort was worth it.

What kid doesn’t love animals? The innocence, softness, and sincerity of pets are attuned to human “puppies” right away.

However, it will only be after the age of five or six when your child expresses his desire to bring an animal home. It is a more than frequent dilemma for parents in any home with children and without animals.

Benefits of having pets in the house

Among the benefits that an animal can bring at home, both to children and adults, the following stand out:

  • Experiencing emotions in company: A child who loves animals will find it natural to play with his pet as with a friend. Anger, fear, joy, and other common feelings in children’s lives become more bearable, deeper and more experiential when they are shared with a pet.
  • Learn about responsible care: If you love animals, do not miss the opportunity to integrate your child to tasks related to your pet. The walks, the bath and the food will give the little one a great sense of responsibility, which will accompany him throughout his life.
  • Develop patience : Tame a pet is not always easy, depending on the type of animal in question. Your child will not only have the advantages of taking care of a pet, he will also have to learn to deal with those aspects of animals that we do not like so much.
    The advantages of having a pet for children are both physical and emotional.
    • Investigate and discover your pet : Curiosity is one of the wonderful qualities of childhood. Your child will spend days observing and studying his pet’s behavior; each discovery will be contrasted with one’s own previous experience. In this way, the child will get to know himself better from careful observation.
    • Ability to create affective bonds of respect and trust: There are children who find it difficult to express their affections to other people. However, they will be able to give very sincere love to their pets. This facilitates in the short term a more open communication with the world and also gives a greater sense of trust.

    The ride and respect

    If the pet that you take home is a dog, it will have to be taken for a walk periodically. This offers an opportunity to get in touch with other dog walkers. There are sure to be other children with their pets and hundreds of enriching situations for your child.

    On the other hand, respect for the animal must be considered.  Just as you will love your pet, a young child may be intrigued by the animal’s reactions to pinching, bumping, or pulling hair. Undoubtedly, it is essential to point out at all times that the pet is a friend and that it should not be harmed.

    What animals will be the best pets?

    It all depends on the lifestyle, routine and timing of each home. In a house where there will be no one all day, it may be necessary to find a pet that does not demand so much attention. Fish, turtles, birds, or hamsters are some easier possibilities.

    It is true that the friendship relationship with a hamster will not be the same as with a dog. However, at least the child will be in contact with virtues such as responsibility and routine habits, among others. The cages and fish tanks require several weekly cleanings and, of course, they cannot be short of food.

    The dog is the first choice when choosing a pet for children.

    In conclusion, educating children in kindness, empathy and kindness are the best gift that can be given. If you love animals, take the opportunity to teach them about love for nature and respect for all living things.

    It should be remembered that children who were lucky enough to have pets in the house from a young age tend to be more loving and respectful in adult life. Why not indulge them and take it as an opportunity for growth?

    Is it advisable to give my child a pet?

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