My Son Doesn’t Want To Sleep Away From Home

At a certain age, children begin to meet at their friends’ houses and participate in the famous sleepovers. However, sleeping away from home is not a pleasant experience for everyone.
My son does not want to sleep away from home

New adventures, as simple as they may seem, always generate excitement in children, especially when it comes to hours of fun with their friends. When the plans not only include the day but also the night, when going to bed another side of the coin is revealed; an adverse attitude appears because the little one is not used to spending the night away from home.

In such cases, the question arises,  why doesn’t my child want to sleep away from home? If you do a thorough evaluation to determine the reason for the child’s denial, you will surely find a moment in which he had a similar experience that, under whatever circumstances, was not entirely pleasant.

Being in a place outside your home, away from your parents, and probably even the simple fact of not being in your bed, can create a feeling of insecurity and the urgent need to return home.

Why doesn’t my child want to sleep away from home?

The reasons why a child does not want to sleep away from home can be many. For example, feeling attached to their parents or the environment. It is also normal that, when night comes, they begin to miss their habits and customs.

It must be clear that the little ones feel safe at home. This type of reaction to these situations is normal and understandable.

When the place to sleep is modified, the child may feel uncomfortable and even irritable, since he will begin to miss the texture of his sheets, the mattress of his bed, the objects around him, the smells and even the temperature of the room.

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If my child does not want to sleep away from home, what can I do?

To make this new experience a great adventure instead of something traumatic, a psychological and emotional preparation of the children is necessary.  In this way, they will be able to enjoy every moment they spend wherever they want them to go, even if that means being distant from their parents at bedtime.

Normally, the social life of children prompts them to start activities in which they bond with their friends and peers. Between 6 and 8 years of age, invitations to the house of those closest to them are common, spending an afternoon of games can be the entrance to future meetings that include an overnight stay.

However, before accepting these proposals, make sure your child is prepared for those nights. If you are one of those mothers who used to regret ‘my son does not want to sleep away from home’, you must analyze many factors before attributing that behavior to anything.

The most important of these variables is to determine if the child is autonomous when going to rest. This will allow you to be more secure when you are away from home.


These are some very useful suggestions to face this adaptation and maturation process:

  • If this is the first time that your child sleeps away from home, it is suggested that they do so with someone they trust. It can start with a visit to the grandparents; Little by little, you will get used to spending the night in environments different from yours.
  • Communication is essential to build trust in the child.  Talk to him a lot about it; You can do it while they pack the backpack, asking him how he is feeling, encouraging him and assuring him that he will have a great time.
  • Let him know that you will always be there for him if he wants to communicate with you. You must tell the parents of his friend that you will always be in contact with your child to promote greater security; remember that the more you communicate, the calmer both of you will feel.
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  • Do not forget to include in his suitcase that special object, which can be his favorite blanket or stuffed animal, as well as his pajamas and bedtime stories; These can give you an environment of greater comfort.

If before the imminent overnight stay you notice that your child does not stop crying, it is a clear indication that he is not prepared to face this experience. The best thing you can do is not force him to have it since, far from remembering it as pleasant, it will remain in his head as a traumatic event.

Finally, remember that it is of the utmost importance that you transmit safety to your children.  We should not be overly concerned about their daily reactions such as crying or being scared, or extrapolate the concerns we may feel. With these actions, we will prevent them from noticing our nervousness and thus generating this same feeling in them.

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