Is Pregnancy Contagious? Be Careful If You Have A Pregnant Friend!

Do you think that the fact that two friends get pregnant around the same time is a coincidence? This may not always be the case! Discover in this article some scientific explanations for this “chance”.
Is pregnancy contagious?  Be careful if you have a pregnant friend!

Any person who has a little idea of ​​how a pregnancy occurs cannot think that it is contagious. However, in real life there are cases that make anyone doubt. As strange as it may seem, at times  we stumble upon that we have several pregnant acquaintances.

How is it possible to get pregnant? Perhaps, was there incidence of the moon? Prior agreement? What is it? In the case of multiple pregnant women in the family, there may be a scientific explanation. Of course, there is no biological contagion. However, the researchers believe they have identified a possible cause.

It’s no coincidence, pregnancy can be contagious

They are both pregnant… Oh, what a coincidence! Well no, when one by one they get pregnant, it is a real effect. A study has shown that what we have discovered so far about pregnancy is not the only thing.

This very common stage continues to surprise us. Every phenomenon that is identified in research is hard to believe is true. However, it is not only true, but it happens very frequently.


In 2012, scientists from the German University of Bamberg conducted an investigation to determine this alleged coincidence. The study was carried out on a sample of about 20,000 women workers from different companies.

It was shown that within the same company the chances of pregnancy doubled once the first occurred. In other words, when one of the workers became pregnant, gradually other colleagues began to get pregnant.

Although it is identified as a contagious effect, it is not necessarily so. However, there is a reason why it happens and it is not something accidental.

What is the cause?

The reason for the “contagious pregnancy effect” is real. Our chances of pregnancy may increase when a close friend or family member is pregnant. According to research, it is an emotional cause.

Although we are not aware that this happens in our mind and body; our desire to be mothers is touched. Seeing that a friend or sister is pregnant strengthens our confidence and capabilities. It is an example that we can do it too, it can help us lose fear.

Later studies extended the observation period. They analyzed the behavior of 1,700 women for about 15 years; the results confirmed previous studies. For researchers, it is not surprising that human beings have this type of behavior. However, not all people respond in the same way to the same stimuli.

In this case, women who may not have expressed their desire to be mothers, could improve their concept in this regard. There is also a connection to the human need to act together. That is, sometimes we are motivated by what the majority does or we get carried away by someone else’s decision.

Somehow we observe a kind of approval on this situation, for which we prepare ourselves without realizing it. Experts point out that consciously or unconsciously we seek to repeat the pattern of that close woman who is pregnant.

Shared pregnancy


This approach has been scientifically clarified, but before that we already speculated about it. We assumed a type of contagion when two sisters became pregnant at the same time or in consecutive periods. In this regard, it should be noted that many women related to each other in different ways, have planned this to happen.

On the other hand, cases have been known where twin sisters have shared the pregnancy symptoms of one of them. Mother and daughter giving birth on the same day, sisters who have children of the same age, and many more cases. It is also possible to speak of this type of contagion, when the father begins to feel symptoms similar to those of his pregnant wife.

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