If You Give Love To Your Children, They Will Grow Up Emotionally Healthy

If you give love to your children, they will grow up emotionally healthy

Being emotionally healthy in adulthood is not something that is learned in a high school or that is acquired from one moment to another through a particular experience; on the contrary, it is a process that begins at birth. All those lack of affection that we may have suffered, will somehow be reflected when we are adults.

Therefore, if you give love to your children from the first moment, many emotional imbalances can be avoided during their growth. At each stage the ways of acting in parenting vary, but love does not see age or moment; It is a feeling that emerges by itself and sometimes even causes discomfort, for example in adolescents.

However, although children change as they grow and their personality is sometimes difficult, a mother cannot excuse herself in a difficult character or her child’s age to stop pampering him. In fact, the character of the child is shaped by the treatment he has received; Therefore, if our child is difficult to pamper, it may be for our own sake.


Raising emotionally healthy beings

Just as we are concerned that our children have all their needs covered, that they can also study and prepare professionally for the future. In the same way as we buy a house for them and take out life insurance, guaranteeing the stability of the children also implies that they grow up physically and emotionally healthy.

According to the responses that the child gives to certain stimuli, his emotions could alter his behavior ; that is, an emotion is capable of creating a pattern in memory, which generates a concrete feeling. Similarly, when these responses are not expressed verbally, they can cause a psychological change that in the long run will result in affective behavior.

In this sense, if we still did not know, it is possible that due to a certain affective deficiency, the behavior of children and adults is permanently modified. Therefore, it is important that we know how to externalize our emotions and make sure that the little ones also learn to do it.


Remember at all times that the small affective details are sometimes the most valuable. It is not recommended that we wait for the children to value or not what we have done for them, it is preferable to show them love in all possible ways, tell them that we love them and give them our support with sweetness.

To worry about their emotions when they are children is to guarantee emotionally healthy adults. When we give love we are creating the nexus so that it feels part of a family and can stay that way in all its stages. Attachment to customs and family values ​​are learned when they awaken positive feelings from the first days of life.

Positive emotions make us happier

No emotion should be more important than another, but it is those that have a positive effect that we should cultivate in our children. Of these, it is love that we give and receive to ensure a lasting, strong and powerful bond.

Children can be taught to be happier, growing emotionally healthy is easy to achieve using the right strategy. We can try to exercise with positive emotions, that achieve a connection between parents and children, in addition, they can make the child relate what he is learning with the concept of family.

Let’s cultivate love, which is an emotion capable of concentrating all other positive emotions in itself. In general, the answer to this is related to emotions such as joy, hope, inspiration and gratitude; For this reason, when there is love, a positive and tolerant environment is perceived.

In the same way, being surrounded by love and all the sensations to which it gives rise, allows children to remain in a reality of well-being, free of doubts, stress or illnesses. For this reason it is convenient to be motivated in time, let’s not miss the opportunity to live in a balanced environment that visibly leads us to a future full of healthy emotions.

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