I Have The Most Beautiful Natural Alarm Clock: My Son!

My awakening fills me with joy every morning, she has little hands and a beautiful smile. He’s my son!
I have the most beautiful natural alarm clock: My son!

My mornings are not ordinary, because I have the most beautiful natural alarm clock. Maybe my alarm clock is out of the ordinary and even escapes all technological advancement, but it is more than picturesque. It is characterized by always raising in a good mood, since it radiates joy.

This beautiful natural alarm clock, although it seems strange, usually wears pajamas. Although it was not a character from “Beauty and the Beast”, my alarm clock has little hands as small as they are soft, as well as a beautiful smile capable of making me fall in love every day.

Of course, all of us who are mothers know what kind of awakening we are talking about. Although all moms have one, the reality is that not all beautiful natural alarm clocks are the same or alike. There is no longer any doubt: the beautiful natural alarm clock we are talking about is neither more nor less than my son.

That beautiful natural alarm clock that kills me with love

The sunrise and each awakening is tinged with color while taking the sweetest flavor. True to the tenderness and happiness that each little one flies, my beautiful natural alarm clock changes the smell of all my mornings. Hearing her soft voice can be deadly.

Singing a beautiful song or pronouncing words that seem so simple but that deep down are the key to our life. “I love you mommy”, a caress with her delicate hands and a smile and we already lost the game by a landslide.


This alarm clock does not need to appeal to those annoying shrill noises, or call attention to technological details. Well, with his single look he is able to fill any void and with a kiss he can melt glaciers. My son is light and warm to alleviate those cold winter mornings.

However, it can also have the freshness needed to cope with the hottest days. That freshness that makes him a unique and special being, that marked by innocence. As you can see, my alarm clock has life and gives a lot of love.

My alarm clock, the secret of my mornings

Certainly, there is no opportunity to start the day without a smile on my face, without feeling the universe of that little being. Clearly, that beautiful natural alarm clock marked my life on fire and is in charge of letting me know every morning.

Without a doubt, with this way of starting the day, the rest of the day will go smoothly. Thus, these initial moments will be the natural fuel to travel through everything that may happen until nightfall.

So whether good or bad events are coming, and even in the worst mood in the world, I’ll be properly armed to deal with it. It is not for less if I remember the pampering, caresses and sticky kisses that comforted me making me feel that I was touching the sky.

Best of all, it doesn’t matter what happens outside. Well, nothing will get in the way of the unconditional and pure love that that beautiful natural alarm clock has to offer you at every moment. A love without limits, that does not know of conditions or interests, but of its own intense heartbeat.


A beautiful natural alarm clock that lights up my life

My son is that beautiful alarm clock that illuminates my life, putting light and brightness even in the darkest and most dull days. He is the artist who draws a grimace on my face in the face of the most complex adversities. The one that spices my mornings just by appearing within my field of vision.

In this way, my passage through this world becomes, it discovers nuances, it takes another tonic. I live, I give life and, with it, I learn to live each minute as if it were the last. Intensely, like any child. Enjoying every moment, every opportunity to be happy.

This is how my life continues, enjoying the immense curiosity of that natural alarm clock that outlines the path to follow with its heartbeat. Learning from their enthusiasm, passion, desire to learn and that immaculate capacity for wonder.

I discover in him nothing less than the secret of happiness. And what difference does it make if the plan was to get a few more hours of sleep. It no longer matters if I have to share spaces or take cold with the crazy movement of the quilt. To see him grow up happy, I kill and die.

I love being a mom!

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