How To Lower Cholesterol In Children

We are going to give you the keys to solve the problem of high cholesterol in children, all through the introduction of quality foods in the diet.
How to lower cholesterol in children

It is not often that children experience problems with cholesterol. Furthermore, the relationship between this parameter and cardiovascular risk is increasingly being questioned. However, it is important to take into account a series of dietary keys to improve the lipid profile.

One of the points that should be focused on when talking about diet and cholesterol is the importance of preventing the oxidation of these particles. Atherosclerosis problems often arise when oxidative and inflammatory mechanisms are over-promoted.

Keys to reducing cholesterol in children

We are going to comment on the main keys at the nutritional level to reduce or improve the lipid profile in children.

Child eating ultra-processed food while playing computer games.

Eat more blue fish

Oily fish have in their interior fatty acids of the omega 3 series, capable of generating a certain protection against cardiovascular diseases, according to a research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences .

They usually help to slightly reduce the proportion of LDL lipoproteins. But the most important thing is that they reduce the inflammatory and oxidative mechanisms associated with them, which has a positive impact on the functioning of the heart. Thus, there is a lower risk of developing atherosclerosis.

It is positive that oily fish appears in the children’s diet at least a couple of times a week. The daily introduction of a handful of nuts will also be positive.

Eat vegetables daily to lower cholesterol in children

Vegetables have two mechanisms when it comes to improving cholesterol levels in children. On the one hand, they contain fiber, which causes a reduction in the absorption of dietary cholesterol, which makes it necessary to compensate for its endogenous production. This is evidenced by a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Medicine

On the other hand, the antioxidant compounds contained in foods of plant origin reduce inflammation and oxidation of LDL-type lipoproteins. In this way, it is possible to avoid the formation of plaques that hinder the passage of blood inside the veins and arteries.

Avoid industrial ultra-processed

In the same way that the intake of unsaturated lipids must be promoted, it is optimal to minimize the contribution of trans fats. This class of compounds negatively affects health in the medium term. They are capable of causing inflammation and oxidative stress, so their regular consumption is associated with the development of complex pathologies.

As a general rule, trans fatty acids are found in industrial ultra-processed products and in foods cooked in fatty media at high temperatures. Therefore, it is essential to choose healthy preparation methods, such as the iron, the oven, the steam and cooking with water.

To drink water

There is a growing and worrying trend that consists of accompanying main meals with soft drinks, instead of water. These products have simple sugars and additives inside. Although these elements are not capable of directly affecting cholesterol levels, they can promote the body’s inflammatory mechanisms.

In a situation of chronic low-grade inflammation, lipoprotein clumps are more likely to occur, eventually causing atheroma plaques. This poses a serious risk to health, since the arrival of blood to the organs is hindered.

Exercising to lower cholesterol in children

Little girl at the doctor while offering her to eat fruit.

Beyond the strictly dietary, it must be taken into account that other lifestyle habits can condition cholesterol levels in children. In this sense, it is optimal to ensure that they maintain a correct state of body composition. To do this, it is necessary to emphasize the need for regular physical exercise.

Sport is one of the most powerful health tools known today. It is able to delay aging and reduce the incidence of most of the chronic and complex pathologies. Children have to practice it, although at an intensity appropriate to their condition.

It is possible to improve the lipid profile in children

As you have seen, by promoting healthy lifestyle habits it is possible to positively modulate cholesterol in children. Above all, and beyond its total value, an inflammatory and oxidative balance is achieved, which will translate into a lower cardiovascular risk.

However, it must be taken into account that pathologies related to the heart can also have an important genetic determination. Improving lifestyle habits does not mean 100% effective prevention, although their incidence is greatly reduced.

Childhood cholesterol

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