How To Help Children Cope With A Change Of School

A change of school is a very important event for children. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the transfer to avoid anxiety and stress.
How to help children cope with a change of school

In general, children, especially younger ones, adapt easily to a change of school. However, you have to stay alert. Despite the fact that after the first few weeks most children fit comfortably into the new school, for them a change of school can be a very stressful event.

How do I help my children cope with a change of school?

  • Try to inform your child of the change of school as far in advance as possible. Also, try to involve him in the process. In this way, by feeling part of the process, your child will begin to feel excited about the idea.
  • Talk to your child about his emotions. Ask your child to make a list of the things that make him anxious about the idea of ​​changing schools and discuss each of them together.
    A little sad boy on the first day of class after his change of school.
  • Maintain contact with the social networks of the old school. Before leaving the previous school, try to ask for contact with the families of your child’s friends. This will lessen the possible sense of loss that your child may feel. You can even organize a small meeting with those closest to you to ensure a good farewell.
  • Visit the new school with your son. Having the opportunity to walk through the facilities of the new center will help your child feel less insecure and face the first day of class with less anxiety.
  • Find out who else goes to the new school. You may know more families whose children, whether or not your age, attend the new school. Get in touch with their family members to arrange to go together on the first day of school. This way, your child will feel accompanied and, therefore, will have more confidence in himself.
  • Propose to attend extracurricular activities. After-school activities are a perfect opportunity for your child to meet new friends. Find out about the different activities that the school offers and talk with your child about them.
    Children going to class at their new school.

    Change is part of life

    Generally, big changes scare us and we tend to appreciate them with uncertainty rather than emotion. Stepping out of our comfort zone makes us feel uncomfortable and insecure, at best.

    However, as the psychotherapist Aaron Balick puts it, instead of seeing changes as terrifying, we must learn to accept them as part of life. We must become aware of our anxiety and turn it into an illusion, and try to look towards the future with positivity.

    It is normal for children to feel anxious about a change of school, since it is an event that will not only change their circle of friends, but also their daily routine. Also, this series of experiences will help you develop a series of skills necessary for your personal life and, ultimately, for your future.

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