How To Communicate Pregnancy At Work

Communicating pregnancy at work is not always easy for many women. Therefore, in this article we are going to tell you some tips so that you can do it in a timely manner.
How to communicate pregnancy at work

Many women, when they become pregnant, fear losing their job by making their status known. Therefore, in this article we are going to explain how to communicate pregnancy at work in the best possible way. Find out below and take note!

Without a doubt, you will feel very excited to be able to share the news with your loved ones. However, you may have doubts when communicating the arrival of the little one to your professional circle. In any case, there is nothing to fear and it is always a good time to be proud and eager to have the little one.

In fact, we recommend that you educate yourself on how pregnancy can affect your professional abilities and prepare yourself if you consider that there are things that you could not do. You must not doubt that having a child is an option and a right, and this should not imply any kind of professional consequence.

Tips for communicating pregnancy at work

Here are some tips to consider when it comes time to report pregnancy at work:

1. Choose the appropriate moment

The first of the tips that we present is to have a plan that allows you to choose the appropriate time to communicate it. Most women report it at the end of the first or early second trimester.

Ideally, schedule an informal meeting with your boss to brief him on the facts, especially if you think there might be a negative reaction. In this way, you can measure their immediate reaction and get a general idea of ​​their attitude.

2. Maintain your professionalism

Second, when breaking the news, you shouldn’t do it with an apologetic tone and avoid certain words. Having a baby is part of life and a right of all women. Remember that, with a few minor exceptions, you will be able to perform most tasks the same way you did before you were pregnant.

The law indicates that maternity leave can be requested from the birth of the child.

Therefore, it is important that you keep your professionalism intact and communicate the pregnancy in compliance with business requirements. This means that you must do it well in advance so that the company has time to prepare and face the new scenario.

3. Contact human resources

Pregnancy is a good time to speak with human resources and learn about maternity leave. If there is no one who can answer these questions, perhaps you could ask a colleague who has recently been pregnant at the same company. In this way, you can get first-hand information and guidance.

4. Do not communicate it in a job interview

We also anticipate that if you submit to a job interview while pregnant, you are not required to disclose it to potential employers.

How to communicate pregnancy at work.

Looking for a job is difficult enough for a woman to have to raise concerns about her future motherhood. In fact, if the offer is rescinded, we would be facing a case of discrimination. If this happens, you could sue the company and you would have everything to win.

5. Don’t be afraid

Finally, you should know that many women are afraid to tell the boss that they are pregnant, because they think they will lose their job.  Losing your job due to pregnancy is considered discrimination and, as a woman, you are protected against this type of arbitrariness.

As you might suppose, these conversations could be difficult, but it is important that they take place to dispel doubts and communicate the pregnancy well in advance. In this way, the company will be able to find the best solutions during the time that you cannot go to your job.

You can be sure that one of the best parts of pregnancy is sharing the emotions generated by the arrival of the little one. We hope that now you feel in a better position to report the pregnancy to your superiors.

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