How To Beat Boredom While Breastfeeding Your Child

How to beat boredom while breastfeeding your child

Breastfeeding can taste sour-sweet. It’s an incredibly intimate time with your baby while you breastfeed and feed, but it can get a bit long for the mother at times.

There are many mothers who while breastfeeding their children may feel bored and helpless because they cannot do anything else during that moment … but if this happens to you, you should calm down. Your baby needs you calm and calm to be able to feed and grow properly.

But even if you are calm and assume that breastfeeding is not easy for you because you get bored, the reality is that those long periods of time can make you feel unproductive – but only in a way … remember that you are feeding your baby and that ‘s a great job you’re doing -.

The good news is that all is not lost and that you can change some of your habits to be able to feed him well and that you can also overcome boredom while you are in these long breastfeeding sessions, no matter if it happens in the middle of the morning or in the middle of the morning. the night. But what things can you do to beat boredom while your child is breastfeeding?


To meditate

It is a great occasion to be able to focus within yourself and meditate. Meditation is good for you, for your life, for your emotions, and for your happiness. You only need time for yourself and to be with yourself … what better way than to do it together with your baby while he feeds?

It is a way to find your inner peace. Close your eyes and allow your soul to relax. You will be able to enjoy these mini-meditation sessions that will help you calm the anxiety of being a mother and also, you will be able to feel much calmer instantly and with a lot of power over your life. It is a good way to take advantage of these moments for you that your baby gives you!


We all know it, being a mother does not allow us to have much time and reading can become a utopia. Well, while you breastfeed your baby, it is a good time to sit and read quietly. Your baby will not give you a topic of conversation so you will not be distracted from your reading at any time.

You can go back to being a bookworm and devour all those books that you had parked on the shelf. You can even take advantage and put on some soft music to read more comfortably. But do yourself a favor and don’t read things that have to do with the baby … read a novel or any other reading that makes you feel good or imagine new worlds.

take advantage of your time while breastfeeding

Watch TV

It may be your time to watch your favorite series, to watch those programs that you like to enjoy in your little free time. Cuddling up on the couch while breastfeeding your baby is a good idea to enjoy the time and not get bored at all.

It is a way to disconnect and enjoy television, which may be overrated or you think that television is not productive … but, if you want to watch a movie – even in parts – you can take advantage of the time you breastfeed your precious baby.

Talk through social media

You will know very well that being a mother of a baby is something that takes a lot of time, so you may have your friends a little neglected. To compensate for this, you can use the time you breastfeed your baby and update your Facebook or answer that email that you have had in your inbox for a long time without answering.

You can make a list of the people with whom you would like to have a little more contact and take advantage of breastfeeding time to achieve it.

To knit

If you like to knit, breastfeeding can be a great time to knit little hats or boots for your baby. You may prefer to knit a scarf or gloves as a gift. You can knit whatever you want since you have enough time to knit whatever you want. Also knitting is a good exercise to relax in a productive way.

But of course … you should take advantage of these moments to enjoy the bond that exists between you and your baby. A bond that will be stronger than you imagine from now on and that also, nothing and no one will ever be able to break it.

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