How To Act If Your Child Suffers Bullying

How to act if your child suffers bullying

In a society as complex as the current one, we must be even more aware of our children and their environment. Be attentive, mainly, if our child suffers bullying in school, neighborhood or even, in his family circle.

It is alarming how  bullying figures continue to grow and even more so, that some tend to be more cruel than others. Therefore, communication with our children must be constant, so that they trust us.

If your child is bullied, take these tips:

1. Study the panaroma and determine your child’s situation. First of all and before making any decision, you should really know if your child is bullied and it is not just a passing fight with one of his classmates. If it is the case of a fight, just observe, but if you see that it is constant, you must act.

2. If it’s bullying, act quickly. If you determine that it is definitely bullying, you should take action as quickly as possible. Go to the child’s school and talk to the teachers, authorities and representatives of the institution.

3. Report the case to the Society of Parents and Representatives of the school. Other children may be being bullied without their parents knowing. Communicate with the representatives of the institution and inform them of your case, so they can find the harassers much faster and be informed about other possible cases.

4. Do not communicate with the parents of the alleged bullies. In this case, it is best for teachers and school authorities to communicate directly with the parents of children who are bullying others. This is because, possibly, they will defend their children and this could cause the inconvenience to become even more serious.

In case the school does not take action, what should I do?

1. If the institution does not take action, contact the police. If the school does not pay due attention to the case, it is better that you report it to a police institution. Bullying can cause great depression in our children and if it is in our power to prevent that from happening, we must. In addition, we would even be helping bullying children to be corrected in time and to have a better future.

2. Your child needs to know that they are not to blame if they are bullied. Our children may think that they could have been the culprit of being bullied. It is important to communicate that it is not like that, that it is not bad with them to give them security and improve their self-esteem. We must study them and determine why they may have suffered from bullying and help them to have greater confidence.

3. If the situation overwhelms you, take your little one to a specialized psychologist. If the situation is increasingly complicated with your child, you can take him to a specialized psychologist who can help him overcome the problem.

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How to confirm if your child is bullied

1. You have mood swings. If your child suffers bullying you can quickly notice it through his character changes. Among them you may experience sadness, irritability and anxiety.

2. You could find physical evidence. If your child has suffered from any abuse by another child, you will be able to notice it on his skin. Also, some of your belongings may disappear.

3. Poor performance in school. It could start to drop your school grades considerably. Therefore, it is important that you be attentive.

4. Difficulty falling asleep. They may have frequent nightmares and a lot of worry, which makes it difficult for them to sleep.

5. Loss of appetite. They may begin to reject food.

6. They don’t want to go to school. They begin to make excuses for not attending school. When he agrees to go, he asks to be dropped off at the door and picked up right there.

7. He prefers to be alone. He does not interact with his companions and prefers to always be alone. He does not like to carry out any activity that is in the institution.

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It is very important that you are very aware of all the attitudes of your children, be constantly in communication with them and that you feel support in their parents. Any child could suffer bullying, it is up to us to help him overcome that situation.

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