Healthy Family Christmas

Christmas is a reason for celebration, but also for reunion, so we suggest you do it as healthily as possible by enjoying the typical dishes.
Healthy family Christmas

Christmas is a time of reunion. Culturally, it is celebrated in front of the table with family and friends. However, with the passage of time, it has become a consumer stage characterized by the abundance of food. So,  a healthy Christmas is one in which we ensure physical and mental health, being aware of our actions.

Also on these dates the company and the pleasure of eating a special dish typical of this moment prioritize. Therefore, they generate a feeling of well-being.

How to organize a healthy Christmas

Next, we are going to reveal some factors so that everyone can enjoy a good meal without worry.

Pre-planning a healthy Christmas

It is the first step to saving and wasting less. In addition, it is essential in the event that there is someone with a pathology in which diet is key to controlling it. Or in the case of following a specific dietary pattern for ethical or environmental reasons. Read on if you want to know how to do it.

Family celebrating a healthy Christmas.

So, before going out to buy, look for or think about what dishes you can make. Later, make a list with all the ingredients and the quantities you need. And, if you have food left over, put your imagination into creating new dishes.

Allergies and intolerances

During these dates is when more care must be taken, since meals outside the home increase and it is precisely the typical dishes that usually contain the most common allergens, such as fish, shellfish, nuts and milk. Likewise, gluten is also included.

It is necessary to take measures when handling and preparing the dishes, such as:

  1. Wash hands well with soap and water before preparing food. Also between handling raw and cooked food or with and without allergens.
  2. Use different utensils and appliances.
  3. Keep the dishes separate and covered, although it is preferable that you make the same dish for all diners, adapting the recipes.
  4. Read the labels carefully, noting the list of ingredients and the specific stamps.
  5. Store food and products tightly closed in a separate cupboard or drawer.


It is characterized by a malfunction in the regulation of blood sugar. It may be due to lack or resistance of insulin. There is a drop or rise in blood glucose. Therefore, it is convenient to control the intake of simple carbohydrates.

In this case, cook with potato, the wholegrain versions of rice, pasta and bread. You also have other alternatives such as quinoa and millet. Regarding sweets, make or buy them with sweeteners or offer fresh or cooked fruit. Another option, especially if you take insulin, is to use sugar, having previously calculated the portions you have eaten, and adjust the dose.


Here the basic thing is to change the chicken or fish and the ham for legumes or eggs. Remember that it is a respectable option for environmental or health awareness, so avoid judging it or making negative comments on the subject.

In addition, vegetables must always be present in the diet. You will see how with herbs and spices you get some exquisite dishes.

Healthy menu for everyone

Now is the time to offer you ideas about a menu that everyone can enjoy.

Friends celebrating a healthy Christmas.
  • What better way to open your mouth than with a varied aperitif!
    • Hummus or guacamole with carrot, cucumber and pepper crudités , and toast with olive leaves.
    • Eggplant rolls with dried tomato pate
    • Canapes with scrambled eggs with wild asparagus and mushrooms.
    • Lettuce, pineapple, hard-boiled egg and pumpkin seeds salad
    • Potato, carrot, hard-boiled egg and pea salad with mayonnaise made with soy drink served separately.
    • Sweet potato chips and parsnip. It can be accompanied by a few shots of pea cream with croutons.
  • Main course:
    • Oven-roasted fish or chicken with rosemary-spiced bakery potatoes.
    • As a vegetarian option, a vegetable or pumpkin quiche stuffed with spiced chickpeas.
  • And, to finish, roasted pineapple with cinnamon, anise and pepper. Or you can take a look at these 3 Christmas recipes to make with kids. And, of course, some nougat or polvorón, or cinnamon and ginger cookies.

    Other tips to enjoy a healthy Christmas

    Finally, you can continue with your usual routine or modify it, if you have free time, taking the opportunity to spend pleasant moments with your loved ones.

    • Play with your children or take them to the park or on a hike.
    • Take the opportunity to exercise. If it’s already part of your routine, great.
    • Read a book that you like. They can give it to you for Santa Claus or go to the library.
    • Find some relaxing activity, like taking a bath or a massage.
    • Share a curious anecdote with your family and friends.
    • Listen to music and dance.

    In conclusion, eat what you want without feeling guilty and the next day eat healthy again. At the end of the day, it is a one-off meal in which you share memories and emotions. In addition, you will help your family and friends who have an Eating Disorder (Eating Disorder).

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