Harvard Secrets For Raising A Good Child

Harvard Secrets to Raising a Good Child

As parents, sometimes we need extra advice to help us deal with our children. Parenting is a wonderful thing, but it is also an inexhaustible source of stress, problems, and doubts. Raising a child is always difficult, and most of the time we don’t know if we are doing it right. 

Fortunately, there are many books, people and institutions that can help us. One of them is the prestigious Harvard University, which has some of the best academics in the world.  Several of them have shared helpful tips to try to help parents deal with fears and anxieties.

How to raise a good child, according to the experts

The main pillars of a good education are summarized in three:  responsibility, respect and empathy. Raising emotionally healthy children is difficult, but not impossible. Above all, they have to feel loved and respected by their own parents, in order to be able to copy that behavior and show it to others.

Teach them to be grateful people

Being grateful is a good way to learn to value others. It makes them aware of how lucky they are to have people who love and care about them.

Teach them to be grateful for simple things, like the breakfast each day, made by their parents. Giving thanks is a universal concept, which improves communication and creates a good atmosphere. In addition, according to various studies, grateful children have better health than those who are not.

Family values: respect and understanding

A child must be clear about the values ​​that are instilled in him at home. These will affect your future decisions and other different environments, such as at school or with friends. Vital priorities are very important, and the child must know that above all, he must respect others and treat them politely. It is important that they know how to defend themselves in an unfair situation, but also that they know how to forgive.


Spend as much time as you can with them

Today, parents hardly have time to raise their children. Work takes many hours, and when you get home from work, all you want to do is relax, not play.

Make sure to make time for the children, because it is paramount in their education. Set aside one day a week for them, encourage them to trust you and show them that you care. A child will prefer the affection of his parents before toys that buy his love.

Teach them to be compassionate

One of the traits of good people is compassion. Teach them to see beyond hatred and resentment. Not only others make mistakes, but also we.

Furthermore, they must learn to protect the weak and not be submissive to injustice. A good child is compassionate, but he does not let himself or his loved ones be treated badly. We are all worth the same and no one deserves to be laughed at or humiliated.


They have to take responsibility for their actions

Teach your children to be responsible. All the decisions you make, both good and bad, will be yours. They must be aware of the impact that their actions can have. Sometimes they will make mistakes, and they will have to bear the consequences of their actions.

Encourage them to be courageous people and to express their opinions without fear, but always with respect. Talk to them about how important morality, ethics, and dignity are. They will be grateful to you.

Control emotions in a healthy way

It is good to express emotions and feelings, and your children should know it. Many parents consider this a symbol of weakness, but it is not true. Children should be encouraged to be themselves and to show how they feel. Throughout their lives they will experience various changes, some of them bad.

We cannot protect them in certain situations, but we can teach them to get up and carry on. Learning to deal with negative emotions is a difficult process, but with the help of good parents you can cope with them.

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