Girls Need A Better World

Girls need a better world

Promoting all the changes that are necessary to give a better world to girls is the objective of Women Deliver, one of the main conferences dedicated to rescuing the rights of women in all their dimensions. One of the biggest concerns in this regard continues to be the lives of women growing up in developing countries, who face various problems due to their gender.

The idea is to find solutions so that our girls do not inherit an unfair world for them ; For this reason, for a little more than ten years it has been trying to follow the line of development projects at a global level to support this cause. One of the objectives is to demand that nations, through their governments, implement programs aimed at solving the problems of women and girls.


In this regard, it can be emphasized that human life is valued as a whole, this with the purpose of highlighting that girls are as important as anyone else in society. Currently, millions of girls in the world lose their rights as a result of practices and customs that are not beneficial to them.

According to data from studies in this regard, one in ten girls in Asian countries will be married before reaching just 15 years of age, in a short period they become wives and mothers, as a result they drop out of school and all expectations personal growth. The most worrying thing about this situation is that it happens to the complicit view of society, which makes invisible girls who suffer injustices every day.

The goal is to change realities

The defenders of this project try to make the reality of millions of girls known by presenting exact data, it is believed that a large part of the problem lies in the lack of interest in the subject and much ignorance of it. A first intention is to describe a harsh reality in detail in order to find viable solutions on a large scale.


Some countries have very high adolescent pregnancy rates, this has direct consequences on the nation’s own growth and more directly on the development of women. This generation of girls is already committed and most likely destined to repeat the history of many women in their society; however, there is hope for future generations if action is taken in time.

Concrete actions that are carried out at the global level can improve the expectation of millions of girls who need a better world. There is a disposition in the victims themselves, young mothers who believe that with their message they can contribute to the girls developing self-confidence; but the barrier is still very high in societies where being a girl is a considerable disadvantage.

There is still hope for young people between the ages of 18 and 22 who, although married and with children, can continue their studies and overcome many of their barriers. This requires that there are social programs designed to help them develop, this is only possible with the commitment of governments and aid groups, despite the fact that it remains a not very optimistic reality. Defending women’s rights and changing realities is not as simple as describing it, but we can take a big step if we share with the world all those injustices that affect many girls right now.

Recognizing that girls need to be protected to guarantee their rights and a future as dignified women is the first step. Then it is important that injustices are addressed, that women have the opportunity to make themselves heard, can study and decide about their future as wives and mothers.

Unfortunately, changes can be very slow, until now there are health issues that receive higher priority; we cannot say that early pregnancy is as urgent a problem as polio or malaria. However, it is urgent that the issue begins to be addressed in international organizations with the aim of initiating a global transformation.

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