“Game” With Enormous Benefits For Your Child: Children’s Yoga

Did you know that yoga is beneficial for children? We tell you more about this practice that is also ideal for the little ones.
"Game" with enormous benefits for your child: children's yoga

Yoga is certainly not something that we would have thought for children, because we find it difficult to believe that it is possible to achieve a radical change in the usual childhood impatience. However, it is a practice that for its benefits deserves to be carried out; Children’s yoga exists and although it may not seem like it, it can be enjoyed in every way.

Children value everything that can be understood as a game, so, although yoga is not completely game, it is possible that treating it as such it becomes a successful element of entertainment.

The purpose of this practice is to contribute to the psychophysical well-being of the little ones, in a fun way and without pressure. It should be noted that it may cost us a little to get the motivation of the child, but we know that once this is achieved, with patience and perseverance we can achieve the desired balance to start this practice. In this sense, it is necessary for specialists to intervene, an instructor and adequate space are required.

Children’s yoga class

The main thing is to get the motivation of the child, henceforth the yoga class is designed to promote a state of stillness and relaxation. To get the child to associate this practice with a game, it is convenient that we treat it as such, that is why a suitable space must be created for them.

The environment must maintain adequate silence, cleanliness and ventilation; But rugs or mats can be designed for children, as can clothing. To avoid possible distractions or the normal disorder of children, it is preferable that the class does not exceed ten students and that the work time is morning.


Although yoga can be practiced at any time of the day, the morning hours are the most appropriate, especially since it is required that the little ones have not eaten solid food, at least two hours in advance.

As for the objective of the class, it is not necessary to reveal to them that each external posture has an impact on the internal organs or aspects of relaxation and balance that they may not understand. It is convenient that it be carried out as a game, using simple and clear words.

In order for them to be motivated, it is advisable not to force them and make them repeat complicated postures; it is also imperative that they never feel bored. The entertaining and varied routine is essential.

Benefits for your child of children’s yoga

Among the main benefits that the practice of yoga has, is the fact of promoting relaxation and adequate breathing ; These benefits are appropriate for adults, who are determined to pursue it. Children benefit in the same way, but for them this is not as important as it is for adults.

So, in the case of children, the benefits are also multiple and to this is added the gratification of parents for getting their children to concentrate and improve many of their functions. In the same way, one of the gifts of this practice is related to the metal well-being that it contributes in every way.

Kids Yoga Poses

All the good things that yoga brings to children

In addition to exercising breathing, children are stimulated with elements of relaxation and body exercises of enormous benefit. The help of this “game” also includes the following benefits.

  • Contributes to stress reduction
  • Supports proper muscle development and dexterity
  • Improve breathing and your habits
  • Provides a necessary massage to the internal organs
  • Offers relaxation and calm
  • Provides the correct channeling of energy
  • Improves circulation
  • Provides effective elements for concentration, memory and creativity
  • Increase positive attitude and self-esteem
  • Promotes blood circulation
  • Provides flexibility to the joints
  • Stimulates the correct development of the senses
  • Helps with social interaction, tolerance, and understanding
  • Improves character and contributes to the development of personality
  • Harmonizes body and mind
  • Supports body and spine posture
  • Provides tools to provide stretching and agility

As you have seen, yoga is not only for adults. Children can benefit too and more importantly, if they do it regularly they will love it and incorporate it into their daily habits! It’s a great way to connect as a family! 

Five yoga poses for kids

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