Funny Clumsiness Of The Pregnant Woman

Pregnancy is a time when anything can happen, even funny blunders! Learn more about these quirky moments in today’s article.
Funny clumsiness of pregnant woman

The pregnant woman becomes funny. Although not all take their clumsiness with the good humor and positive spirit that they should, it is no less true that the more the tummy grows, the more beautiful and comical they become. At least that’s what we believe in You Are Mom.

Here we bring you some of the clumsiness that women can experience during their pregnancy. Whether you live them daily, or remember them as one more peculiarity than when you were expecting your child, we hope that you receive this article with pleasure.

2 of the most common clumsiness of pregnant women

Despite the fact that each woman experiences her pregnancy in a particular way, there are 2 awkwardnesses that become common in all of them:

  • The chronic neglect
  • Clumsiness in motor skills

Expand on them.

Chronic loss during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women develop an oversight that becomes chronic and lasts, at least, until after a few months after they give birth.

This lack of concentration is because your focus shifts; her mind is occupied with the issues related to her pregnancy, her health, childbirth, the preparations for the coming of the child and everything that has to do with her.

Another part of the responsibility is carried by the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and the neuronal activity that, in this period, keeps the brain busy making new connections (synapses).


Clumsiness of the pregnant woman in her motor skills

Pregnant women, or some of them, begin to break everything, collide with furniture, objects fall from their hands and create disorder even when they do not want to.

This type of clumsiness is due to 4 essential factors:

  • The relaxation suffered by all the joints of your body
  • Fluid retention Condition that leads to your hands becoming swollen and looser when holding objects
  • Poor concentration or inattention
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome that causes a certain numbness in the hands. Feature that also works against grip.

Another cause that causes the awkwardness of the pregnant woman in her motor skills is the little perception of the new state that her body presents. There are women who, even at the end of their pregnancy, still do not fully internalize their new volume and the size they occupy in any space.

If before they passed through a narrow place, being with the pipe when “exploding” they continue believing that they can slip through the same gap; For this reason, when they pass, they “destroy” everything in their path.

Funny clumsiness of pregnant woman

For the end we leave a small list with many of the clumsiness and disabilities that pregnant women suffer.

Some of them were conceived in a satirical tone because our team continues to believe that the bigger the belly, the more fun, happiness and joy it brings to women’s lives.

At Eres Mamá we ask you to tell us what happens to you or what happened to you during your child’s pregnancy, or pregnancies (because each pregnancy brings different experiences).

Father touching mom's pregnant belly

If you had a difficulty or awkwardness that we did not insert in the list, we invite you to share it with us.
Thanks in advance.

Mom, it is difficult for a pregnant woman:

  • Knotting or fastening your shoes
  • Enter the pants
  • Cut your toenails
  • See your knees when you are standing
  • Waxing the pubis Resisting the urge to pee
  • Sleeping on your stomach, on your back, on your side … If the pipe is large it will be difficult for you to fall asleep
  • Get out of the back seat of the car
  • Scratching any area below your belly
  • Getting out of bed without supporting your hands
  • Changing positions while lying down
  • Foot wash
  • Enter through the gate of the buses
  • Sneeze without peeing on yourself
  • Shave her legs
  • Look inside the cauldron when it is on the stove
  • Hug your husband or be hugged
  • Get up off the ground without help

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