Fun Recipes For Your Child To Eat Vegetables

Make fun recipes that spark children’s interest. That will be the best way to motivate them to eat vegetables and improve their health.
Fun recipes for your child to eat vegetables

Fun recipes for your child to eat vegetables are everywhere. Therefore, instead of “throwing” the vegetables on the plate, make happy faces, houses, cars and many other designs that your child may find interesting. He will appreciate those fun presentation recipes that you are going to put on the table at lunchtime and will even be motivated to try them, especially if he is one of the many children who do not like vegetables.

When making the “succulent” vegetable recipes, it is recommended that the child participate in their preparation. In this way, you will foster his interest in cooking, you will introduce him to the wonderful world of culinary art and you will be able to provide him with new knowledge regarding the properties of food and how beneficial it is for health.

Today, when you go to make dinner, take some time to show your child how to prepare a vegetable salad and, incidentally, add a few more minutes to the amount of attention and love that you must give your little one daily.


Something you must teach him

When you talk to your child about any subject and teach him something, even cooking, it is recommended that you pass on knowledge that he can also use in other areas. In the case of preparing salads, it may be helpful if you talk about what vegetables are, how they are classified, and the properties they have according to their color.

We know that the child is not going to learn everything you are going to tell him from cover to cover, but from the conversation, as well as from the plate of vegetables they prepare, he will always take something. You must know and especially teach him that vegetables are classified according to the edible part of the plant.

Leafy vegetables: Watercress, chard, spinach, lettuce …
Roots: Beets, carrots, radishes …
Fruits: Aubergines, cucumbers, tomatoes …

And so on.

Your child should also know that when growing so close to or within the same land, vegetables can be carriers of microorganisms that are harmful to health, that is why, when handling, good hygiene cannot be lacking. Before consuming the vegetables, they must be cut and washed well.

Fun recipes for your child to eat vegetables

The 2 fun recipes for your child to eat vegetables that we want to show you in You’re Mom are easy to do.


Vegetable recipe “Doll with a happy face”

A happy face, no matter how “grumpy” your child gets every time you put a plate of vegetables in front of him, it will steal a smile. So use this trick and design a happy face with vegetables. Always remember that regular vegetable intake has been shown to be associated with better health.

– 2 chard leaves.
– 2 slices of cucumber.
– 3 tablespoons of finely chopped cabbage.
– The tip of a carrot.
– 2 small slices of radish.
– 1 tomato wheel cut in half.


In a spacious plate, place the two chard leaves on both sides to simulate the doll’s hair.

At the top of the plate and where the chard leaves are finest, add the three tablespoons of chopped cabbage: that will be the top of the hair of the doll with a happy face.

The two cucumber slices will be the eyes. The two radish slices will be the cheeks. The point of the carrot will become your nose and the tomato wheel cut in half will become your mouth.

When you have the happy face designed, add a pinch of salt, but very little, because salt is one of the foods that you should limit in your child. If the plate is ready, let’s try all the parts of the doll!

Vegetable recipe “Snowy boat”

The recipe for the “snowy boat” is very simple. It is mainly characterized by its content in vitamin C, a nutrient capable of generating a more effective immune response, according to a study published in Biochemical Society Transactions.

– 6 asparagus.
– Mashed potatoes.
– 1 teaspoon of finely chopped carrot.
– 3 small slices of radish.


Design a boat on a spacious plate. For this use the asparagus. An elongated stud for the bottom of the boat, two tiny ones for the sides, a longer one for the top.

Raise a mast with the largest stud of all and with two very tiny ones, make a triangle at its tip so that it works like a flag.

Next, fill the body of the boat with the mashed potatoes, this way, it will appear that it is snowy. Drop some mashed pancakes outside the boat to make it look like there is a lot of snow.

The 3 beet wheels will be used to place them as portas (windows) in the body of the boat and on top of the mashed potatoes.
The carrot, finely chopped, will cover the part where the flag is.

At the end, do not forget to add a pinch of salt to give it a little flavor.

Prepare recipes with vegetables

Don’t force your child to eat what they don’t want. Rather, persuade him, arouse his interest in food, engage him in preparing the dishes and invite him to try the recipes.

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