Exercises To Stimulate Language In Children From 1 To 2 Years Old

Early language stimulation is important at an early age. In this article you can find some exercises to stimulate language in children from 1 to 2 years old.
Exercises to stimulate language in children 1 to 2 years

It is important to stimulate language in children 1 to 2 years for proper speech development. To begin to see what activities we can apply, it must be taken into account that language comprises two subtypes: expressive and comprehensive language.

In this article you will find different types of exercises to stimulate language, both expressive and comprehensive, in children 1 to 2 years old. Do you want to know what they are? We started!

Exercises to stimulate language in children 1 to 2 years: comprehensive language

We can compare language with a storehouse of ideas, concepts and meanings that, since we are born, we are organizing and classifying as if it were a library. Thus, when we listen, organize and add those ideas to that store (comprehensive language), just as when we express ourselves and communicate (expressive language).

To begin to understand the stories and stories, we can work with the different little exercises. Do you want to know which ones?

Point over images

For this exercise we can help ourselves with pictures or pictures, and ask the child to point out the pictures on the pictures. We can use pictures of colors, animals, everyday objects, etc. In this way, we can find out what vocabulary is acquired or not.

Mother talking with her son and doing some exercises to stimulate language in children 1 to 2 years old.

Onomatopoeia to stimulate language in children 1 to 2 years old

When the child is still small and it is difficult for him to remember words, we can use the different sounds to refer, for example, to animals. “Woof-woof” for the dog, “meow-meow” for the cat, “kikiriki” for the rooster, and so on.


We present you with two pictures, one of a word you know and the other of one you haven’t yet. For example, a motorcycle and a car, and we ask him which is the car, since the car is the term he knows and the motorcycle is not. Thus, we incorporated the word that he did not know into his vocabulary.

Exercises to stimulate language in children 1 to 2 years: expressive language

Before speech itself arrives, there are many samples of this type of language. The look, the gestures, the sounds … Therefore, we can work before they start talking with this type of exercise. Here are a few for you to put into practice:

Simulate a phone call

The first attempts at speech are often difficult to understand, but should be encouraged to try, even if they are not understood. One way to do this is to mimic a phone call with them.

Imitate sounds

If the little one, at first, still finds it difficult to imitate and repeat words, we can play to imitate sounds, which can be initiated by them or by us, for example, a fart, or “ba-ba-ba” , etc.


When we explain something to them, it is important that we accompany it with gestures, such as facial expression or with the hands, in this way, they will then also imitate it to express themselves.

Look at the eyes

Every time we talk or communicate with our little one we must always look him in the eye. It is advisable to go down to their height, so that there is eye contact between the two. This is the first step of proper communication.

Father talking to his son on the street.


We can play to make paper boats and, at bath time, have the child blow the boat to make it move, or blow to make bubbles. Thus, we will exercise the muscles involved in the production of speech.

Play with the microphone

There are microphones that, when speaking into them, the voice is heard as an echo, and the children find it a lot of fun. We can use it and, while we play, the child listens.

I see I see

For older children, around 2 years old, this game can be a lot of fun and also very beneficial for expanding vocabulary. It consists of saying “I see, I see” and the child answers: “what do you see?” Thus, we have to choose an object that is visible and we are going to give it clues, such as the color it has, where it is, what letter it starts with, etc.

About exercises to stimulate language in children 1 to 2 years old

As you have seen, these exercises to stimulate language in children from 1 to 2 years old, in addition to being beneficial, can be very fun and will prepare the child for the production of language in the near future. This serves to stimulate him so that the acquisition of vocabulary and its subsequent production is not so complicated. Feel free to try these activities and games.

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