Exercises To Perform With The Fitball During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the fitball can help you stay in shape. Therefore, we have prepared a list with some exercises. Take note and choose the one that you consider most appropriate for you!
Exercises to perform with the fitball during pregnancy

The fitball is a ball specially designed for physical and athletic training, but it can also be useful for pregnant women to use. We tell you the benefits of the fitball during pregnancy.

This type of ball contains a non-slip surface that allows pregnant women to sit or exercise  without risk of accidents.

Certainly, the use of the fitball during pregnancy helps women maintain balance and stability as their tummy grows. In addition, it allows you to keep your abdominal muscles strong.

It is also  a fun way to improve posture and balance, as well as exercise your abdominal muscles. This helps the body bear the weight of pregnancy, although it is not the only benefit.

What are the benefits of exercising with the fitball?

These are the advantages of using the fitball during pregnancy:

  • Tighten your pelvic floor muscles.
  • Strengthens the back and reduces pain.
  • Improves blood flow.
  • Helps ease labor pain.
  • Reduces the pain of contractions.
  • Decreases  anxiety and stress.
  • Shortens the first stage of labor.
  • It allows to adopt different vertical positions.
  • It helps to balance the ligaments, tendons and muscles of the pelvic area so that the baby can be placed in an optimal position.
  • It reduces the chance of needing an epidural or caesarean section.

Exercises to perform with the fitball during pregnancy

Here are the best exercises to perform with the fitball during pregnancy:

1. Squats

First of all, we present a new form of squats to practice with the fitball during pregnancy. To begin, stand facing the ball, place your legs hip-width apart, and stretch your arms out. You should place your arms straight in front of you, with the palms of your hands on the ball.

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Then when you have a good balance, squat down holding the ball. The ideal is to carry out 10-15 repetitions and rest. Don’t forget that squatting is a great exercise to work your upper legs and lower abdominal muscles.

However, it is possible that as the pregnancy progresses you will have more difficulties. That’s why using a fitball makes it so much easier. Of course, you should always work within the limitations of your body.

With this exercise, you will get good toning in your upper legs, as well as additional strength in your lower back. In regards to pregnancy, this will help the muscles support the growth of the uterus.

2. Arm raises

It can be easy to forget about your upper body during pregnancy, but your arms require a lot of attention.

For this exercise, you simply start by sitting on the ball, spreading your legs at the hips, and finding a good posture with a straight back. The goal is to perform movements that allow you to exercise your arms.

If you have a weight in each hand, you can increase the intensity of the workout.  These exercises will help tone the arms and prepare them to support the weight of the baby for so many hours.

3. Lateral stretch

This exercise is really good for the upper body as it needs optimal toning to keep the baby growing. Begin by resting on the ball with your back for support; Once you have balance, slowly roll to the side as the ball moves under your armpit.

Here it is really important to keep the legs stabilized. If necessary, lower your leg closer to the ground so your knee touches the floor for more support.

When your body feels balanced, raise your outer arm above your head. As you do this, make sure to breathe evenly and deeply.

Hold the position for as long as you can, then drop your arm and do the same on the other side. Try to hold each side stretch for about 30 seconds or more.

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4. Raised legs

Finally, we present you an exercise that does not imply too much pressure on the upper part of the body, which is perfect for the baby; with it, you work the upper part of the legs and the lower part of the back. These two areas suffer greatly with pregnancy, so it is beneficial for keeping muscles strong and toned.

To begin, you must lie on the floor, face up. You can use a mat or blanket for extra comfort.

Next, place the exercise ball between your feet and, when you have a good grip, raise the ball as high as you can. You should try to do 10 repetitions.

Finally, remember that the exercises to perform with the fitball during pregnancy are ideal to strengthen the abdominals and reduce back pain caused by the weight of the baby. In the long run, you will feel the difference and its great benefits for your body.

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