Do You Think You Can’t Stop Yelling At Your Kids? Check Out These 8 Tips

Think you can't stop yelling at your kids?  Check out these 8 tips

Children’s antics sometimes make us lose our patience and we make the mistake of yelling. However, an education based on screaming can affect your little world, so there are alternatives to avoid making mistakes.

Yelling is one of the out-of-control reactions referred to in psychology as an “emotional flood”;  arise with the belief that children should behave maturely, even when they are just beginning to learn, acquire manners or values .

Sometimes, we forget how easy it is to be a child, they just want to play exploring around them and it is completely normal that they do not want to obey when we assign them a task.

It is natural for them to behave inappropriately to a rule at home from time to time.

Nevertheless, an education based on shouting, frustration and a lot of authority can make the situation worse , that is, that the little one assumes a rebellious and aggressive behavior or that we hurt his affective world.

Sometimes we yell at children because of automatism or because we were simply not educated in a respectful and assertive way . But let’s not lose our cool, with patience, understanding and a little self-control we can deal with our children without falling into abuse.

We must first educate ourselves and then deal with this situation. Let’s remember that yelling is an option and it is best to learn not to do it

8 tips to learn not to yell at them

While it is true that children by nature are happy, they are also highly sensitive so a shout from us can affect them even more than we can believe . The good news is that there are always alternatives to improve our relationship with them, such as:

1. Detail the situations in which we normally yell

The day to day can make us lose our calm as well as our tolerance, but in these everyday situations we must be alert to avoid them.

2. Admit that yelling is synonymous with abuse

Nobody likes to be treated with anger, therefore, it must be recognized that raising your voice is not good and there are more appropriate alternatives to communicate something incorrect to children.  

3. Apologize when necessary

We are human and we can make mistakes. Also, who said that parents are born with a manual? In this case, let us apologize if we have made the boys feel bad.

4. Reach agreements

If we want the children to carry out a certain task or behave properly, it is advisable to reach an agreement in which we patiently express that if they do not comply or obey then they will have to put aside something that they like.

5. Seek psychological support

A professional will be able to provide us with tools to apply at home and correct behaviors without falling into verbal abuse.

6. Work patience

It is not easy to control emotions, but if we breathe deeply and calm our anger it is possible.

7. Make them understand that something is not right

Children do not think like adults, therefore, it is better to speak to them with patience and love to make them understand that something is not right.

8. Relax from time to time

Being a full-time mom or dad is exhausting, for this reason, you should set aside time and  stress . Surely, when we get home, anger will not take over the family harmony and we can treat children calmly.

Lead by example at home

As we commented previously, “when we have been raised under authority based on shouting it makes us normalize this behavior”, however, it is never too late to improve as well as to start applying a healthier education to our children.

Mom and Dad are the first example of boys. Aggressive behaviors make them understand that mistreating and raising our voice to others is correct, therefore, we must work from home one communication respectful and calm.  

In addition, if at any time we find ourselves in need of correction, it is preferable to wait to get home and do it as a family. If so, they will feel that even though they have done something wrong, they are understood and appreciated by their most precious ones.

Everything in life is learning, no matter how old we are, we must always be willing to walk the path accepting that we make mistakes, until we finally learn and improve. It is never too late to rectify.

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