Cyberbullying: What Is It And What Are Its Consequences?

New electronic devices solve our lives in many ways. However, we must control the access of the smallest to them to avoid cases of cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying: What is it and what are its consequences?

With the advent of new technologies, new evils also began to appear in society. Childhood is no exception. Cyberbullying, also called cyberbullying, is a new form of violence that increasingly adds more unfair and, above all, sad episodes.

The social networks that we access every day and the constant interaction that new electronic devices and permanent connectivity allow us have undeniable benefits. What used to take hours or even days to communicate is done in seconds today.

However, like any new tool, it can also be a double-edged sword. Because human relationships are not always constructive and positive. This occurs even more often in childhood, when limits are still unknown or not respected and a lot of harm can be done to other people.

For more than a decade, traditional bullying, understood as physical and emotional abuse spread over time, has also moved to the world of screens.

How manifests cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is the extension of the nefarious practice of mistreatment in the virtual sphere. The most common signs of its manifestation are the following:

  • Constant harassment of the victim. Whether through mobile messages, messages on social networks or even open publications, bullies can take ‘defects’ of a child to make fun of him through these channels.
  • False rumors. A typical form of adolescent abuse that, we could say, always existed. Today, however, its disclosure is much more “effective.” A couple of clicks are enough to send many simultaneous messages and spread lies about another person. These chains, if they expand, are practically uncontrollable, as are their consequences.

    More serious common manifestations

    • Identity Theft. False profiles are created to disclose personal information, behave unfairly or attack acquaintances of the victim to deteriorate their social relationships.
    • Blackmail.  The aggressor makes or invents some type of information that could compromise the victim and blackmails her into believing that she can get her discretion. Generally, blackmail is based on false information.
    • Rankings or lists. What used to be done on sheets of paper, today is written on the networks. The classic and cruel rankings of “ugly”, “dumb” or many other heinous qualifiers are an extremely ruthless way to virtually harass someone.
      Cyberbullying is the extension of the nefarious practice of abuse in the virtual sphere.

      Consequences of cyberbullying on the victim

      Children are affected by cyberbullying, since:

      • Deteriorates self-esteem.
      • It makes social interaction difficult.
      • It promotes insecurity.
      • It affects school performance.
      • Somatization. This can range from impaired appetite and sleep to difficulty concentrating.
      Cyberbullying can affect school performance.

      When cyberbullying occurs at an early age, the child is greatly affected. Hence the importance of seeking professional help. A good psychologist will know how to listen to you and provide you with the necessary tools so that you can resolve the situation on your own.

      While it is true that there are cases in which parents must take action, it is important not to completely rule out the child’s own performance, as long as it is healthy and timely for him. Do not force the situation under any circumstances. On the other hand, it is important that parents also talk with the psychologist to obtain the tools to provide good family support.

      What can we do to help you?

      Family support is essential. For this reason, it is important to encourage communication, the expression of feelings and mutual support at home. In this way, the child will feel supported and understood. Likewise, it is recommended to seek professional psychological support.

      It is not enough just to provide support at home, it is necessary to create a teamwork strategy with the school staff . Teachers and assistants have to be attentive to both the victim and the harasser in order, little by little, to resolve the conflict in a healthy and assertive way.

      In sum, the best strategy to apply will be an interdisciplinary approach. Bullying is a reality that should not be ignored or minimized at all. On the contrary, the sooner and better it is attended, the fewer consequences there will be for all parties involved.

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