Childhood Dysgraphia: Causes And Treatments

Childhood dysgraphia: causes and treatments

Some children have difficulty writing well. If your child is going through this problem, we invite you to learn a little more about childhood dysgraphia.

Dysgraphia is a disorder that causes difficulties in learning correct writing . Unfortunately, many people confuse this problem with the child’s lack of interest in learning or laziness, judging them for a long time and leaving aside a solution that helps them overcome this problem.

In this sense, if you see that your little one has a problem developing this skill, evaluate the situation before issuing an opinion. . Try to ask him what happens when he tries to write or if he is afraid of doing it wrong, to rule out possibilities that cause an obstacle in this process.

Until now, the exact origin of dysgraphia is not known.

For many children with this condition, holding a pencil and putting some letters on paper represents a complex moment. . In general, the writing of these little ones is very messy; They struggle with simple actions like spelling, spelling, or writing down their ideas.

Most specialists prefer to use the phrase “impediment in written expression” to refer to this inconvenience. , under the one category of disorder of learning . However, the term dysgraphia is used in everyday life to simplify its recognition and pronunciation.

Is childhood dysgraphia common?

It is generally not that common of a problem, although symptoms are not uncommon in toddlers who are beginning these lessons. Little by little, the writing apprentice should improve in these aspects, but if he continues to demonstrate an inability to do it with ease, it is not an exaggeration to ask professionals for help.

Up to now, experts do not know for sure what causes childhood dysgraphia, or other difficulties in written expression . Before beginning this process, the brain constantly stores information in the short and long term, organizes and stores them according to their priority.

But, when a young child has this disorder, it is believed that any of these situations can occur:

  • Problems organizing data in memory.
  • Disadvantages to capture the words, either on a sheet, or on a keyboard.

This results in writings that are difficult to understand, inconsistent, and full of errors. . And the most serious: they write sentences that are not related to what they have just studied or what they already have knowledge of.

Working memory plays an important role in writing, because it helps you with spell coding . This is a skill that refers to your chances of storing words that are unfamiliar to your vocabulary.

Symptoms of dysgraphia

A toddler could present with this disorder if he lags behind in learning with respect to his peers and has the following difficulties :

  • Spatial visuals : does not distinguish shapes, spaces between letters, problems to organize words from left to right, inconvenience to draw and read  maps, slowness to copy texts.
  • Fine motorcycles : he holds the pencil well, does not know how to cut, does not make firm lines, adopts strange positions to write.
  • Language processing : it is difficult for him to write ideas on paper, he does not understand the rule of the games and incoherence when speaking.
  • Handwriting and spelling : does not recognize misspelled words, mixes different types of letters, cannot read what he writes, erases excessively, tires quickly, cramps in the hand.
  • Use of words and grammar : does not understand punctuation, mixes verb tenses, writes long or incomplete sentences, excessive use of commas.
  • Language organization : inability to tell stories, does not remember important details, uses vague descriptions, only when speak  can be explained well.

How to overcome it?

There is no type of medication that helps cure this disorder, so a series of adaptations must be made to help the child overcome these obstacles . Use devices  Electronic to record information, rather than write it down, is a good idea.

Experts prefer to refer to dysgraphia with the phrase impairment in written expression

Less complex and shorter text writing is also worth trying to stimulate it. . Also, it is good to attend some therapies to strengthen the muscles of the hands  and hand-eye coordination.

Mommy and Daddy will need a little more patience in these cases. With love, you will be able to guide the child in his formation and together they will learn to overcome this barrier.

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