Causes Of Delay And Early Delivery

Causes of late and early delivery

The exact date of delivery is difficult to determine, but we usually have certain data that indicates an approximate day on the calendar. In general, specialists estimate that delivery will occur according to the date of the last menstruation, but it is normal that there is not total precision.

In the same way, in the case of gilts there is usually a greater propensity to alterations of this type ; Labor can be advanced or delayed due to different factors, but those who are mothers for the first time, experience some of these incidences more frequently.

Factors and outcomes

Although to a greater extent cases of delay or early delivery are normal, there are adverse conditions that can determine this fact. However, it is common to expect more than we would have liked or to be surprised by the birth of our little one, since the designs of nature are difficult to predict.

In this sense, a pregnancy under normal conditions could end with a premature delivery for several weeks, but it can also seem endless. Whatever the case, there is an explanation that should not necessarily be of concern and that can surely condition us for a future pregnancy.

On the other hand, the factors that affect overtaking or delay can be very diverse and even unsuspected. There are also some popular beliefs that try to explain the situation, for example that girls take a little longer to be born or that the phases of the moon affect childbirth.
Hereinafter, we detail the main causes that affect the arrival of childbirth.

Causes of late delivery


A delayed birth can be a cause for concern and discomfort for the mother, reaching the whole family. Expecting more for the arrival of the baby, is not something out of the ordinary and is in fact quite normal, but it is a wait that can deteriorate the quality of life of the mother, who is already beginning to suffer the relentless symptoms of the tiredness.

The causes of a prolonged pregnancy are diverse, but in general delivery is delayed for the following reasons.

  • Factors related to inheritance. It is common in mothers whose mothers or sisters have also suffered prolonged pregnancies; This is caused by elements related to the body constitution, which can be similar in families.
  • Lack of elasticity in the main body tissues of the future mother.
  • Inaccuracy in the data. In these cases, the gestation period was not elaborated in the correct way, therefore the date of delivery presents considerable variations.
  • Presence of certain infectious diseases that affect the membranes and especially the placenta.
  • High levels of stress or specific events that cause it suddenly.
  • Tendency to have long-lasting menstrual cycles.

Causes of early labor

The birth of the baby can be early for different reasons without knowing exactly what they are ; One can speak of premature delivery or premature birth when it occurs before thirty-seven weeks of gestation. This condition is quite common, as millions of babies are born prematurely around the world.

Among the main causes of early birth are:

  • It happens more frequently in adolescents and women under the age of twenty in general.
  • Stress in particular situations or due to permanence in states of stress.
  • Incursion into unhealthy habits, such as tobacco and alcohol consumption.
  • Detachment or rupture of the placenta due to violent causes or in case of infections in the membranes. This process is a reaction of the body to protect the fetus from infection.
  • Considerable increase in the normal levels of amniotic fluid, through a process known as Hydramnios.
  • Inability to dilate the uterus correctly, due to malformations in the cavity.
  • It is frequent and natural in the case of twin pregnancies and especially in multiples, since the space is insufficient to keep the fetuses for a long time.

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