Baby Skin Care

Babies’ skin is very delicate and requires special care. Therefore, you have to know what products to use.
Babies Skin Care

Taking care of the skin of babies is one of the great concerns of all parents. It is not yet fully developed, so it requires certain precautions during the first months of life.

This type of delicate skin makes it more susceptible to irritation and dryness due to external factors. In fact, certain products can be aggressive. So what should you watch out for?

Babies Skin Care

Skin care is critical to healthy baby development, but parents may be confused about best practices for this routine aspect of care.

Babies of different races.

Skin hygiene

Babies should not be bathed every day; two or three times a week is sufficient. However, the diaper area should be sanitized as often as necessary. Frequent bathing can dry out the skin and remove oils and other substances that protect against infection and other irritants.

Until babies are about a year old, it is best to use soaps and shampoos that are formulated specifically for this age group.

These products are generally non-toxic and contain little to no dyes, deodorants, alcohols, and other ingredients that can be harmful to your baby’s skin.

It is recommended to avoid the use of powders, as the baby could inhale the powder into his lungs and cause damage. In the case of having to use it, you have to shake it in the hands away from the little one and bring them together to remove the excess and apply a thin layer on the child’s skin.

Solar exposition

The sunscreens are not recommended for babies under six months because they have not yet tasted for this age group. Physical means can be used to carry out sun protection, as well as hats, located in the shade or under umbrellas that cover it.

Once the baby reaches six months, sunscreens with inorganic filters, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, can be used because they will not irritate the child’s skin or eyes.

Antiseptic solutions for baby skin care

The use of antiseptics in conjunction with skin cleansing products is not recommended when healthy. This leads to the alteration of the microbiological ecosystem of the skin and collaborates with the development of other types of microorganisms.

In addition, alcohol is one of the products that the skin of babies absorbs more easily and can generate, in this way, burns or changes in the pH of the same.

Diaper area care

Diaper rash is common and affects most babies at least once. In fact, the occlusive environment of the diaper harbors a complex interplay of potentially damaging factors.

While moisturizing with lotions is recommended, you must ensure that the baby’s skin is not wet. Otherwise, this moisture can take hold in the folds, which is an area made up of thin, irritable skin that is prone to breakouts. To avoid redness, chafing and peeling, cleaning is recommended in all corners of the baby twice a day.

The rashes usually disappear in a few days, but petroleum jelly can be used to help soothe the baby’s discomfort. If the rash is red, it could be a sign of a yeast infection, requiring a pediatrician visit.

Mom wrapping her baby in a towel after bathing to take care of her skin.


Baby’s skin is prone to dryness, so it must be kept as hydrated as possible. When the baby is removed from the bath, it should be gently dried and a moisturizer applied immediately. Moisturizers do not add moisture to the skin, but instead prevent moisture already on the skin from evaporating.

Ideally, apply moisturizer as often as necessary. A humidifier can also be placed to keep the air in your child’s room from being too dry, which can help your baby’s dry skin.

What should be taken into account about the care of the skin of babies?

Newborn skin is more delicate than that of adults because it has not fully developed its natural protective barrier. For this reason, it is important to carry out certain care related to hygiene and the use of some products.

As much as possible, care for the integrity of the skin and reduce the risk of infections or allergic reactions. For this reason, it is essential to take into account aspects such as sun exposure and the proper use of antiseptics and emollients.

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