An Allergy-free Home For Your Children

An allergy-free home for your children

An allergy-free home is possible and also very necessary for children, because it is the place where they spend the most time during their development. Many of the agents that cause allergies are present in our daily life, allergens are found in dust, the fibers of textile products, fungi, mites and animal hair; that is why its elimination is so difficult, but it is not impossible.

They are pollen, dust mites and mold, some of the most risky agents for allergies; but all can be eliminated with a deep cleaning and taking sanitizing measures. For example, pollen can be removed by an air purifier and it can also be prevented from entering the home by keeping doors and windows closed.

To create an allergy-free environment it is convenient to be constant in cleaning, but it also depends on the distribution, organization and choice of furniture that make up our home. In this sense, perhaps the decoration or the materials that we use to organize the house are the favorites for allergy-causing agents.

For example, fibers of natural origin are par excellence the preferred ones for mites and mold. Although these organisms are not visible to the naked eye and are also practically harmless, they are highly allergens and are more attracted to warm places, especially mattresses, pillows, cushions or carpets.

How to get an allergy-free home?

Although it may seem difficult to achieve, the solution to the problem of allergens in the home is found in the elimination of elements that make it possible for them to feel at home. That is, to ensure that our environment is not favorable for these bugs to live and reproduce.


It is believed that the presence of mites, for example, becomes more noticeable towards autumn, because it is where a favorable climate for their development is created due to the ignition of the heating. Well, as we know, this cannot be avoided, but instead we can eliminate the places where they like to stay.

As for most of the substances that cause allergic reactions, their presence is due to other factors; for example, pollen appears with a higher incidence in spring. But in general, by getting rid of moisture, using a vacuum cleaner and creating a hostile environment for these elements, you can prevent their proliferation.

The main measures that are recommended to contribute to cleansing against allergies are the following:

  • The bedroom is one of the places where we suffer the most allergic reactions, because it is a place where textile fibers abound. Let’s try to eliminate stuffed animals, surfaces that can accumulate dust and use anti-allergic bedding
  • Let’s avoid living in humid conditions, something that prevents the spread of mites. For this you can use the dehumidifier
  • It is important that clothes and shoes are completely dry before entering the house in times of rain
  • Performs cleaning in depth and at a frequency of at the least twice each week. Vacuuming is recommended in this process, especially on the mattress and furniture
  • Pets can be the cause of the main allergic reactions, so to avoid them it is convenient to keep them outside the house. If it is unavoidable for children to touch them, we must ensure that they wash their hands and remove the clothes they were wearing when sharing with the animal
  • If we are not at risk of pollen or dust outside the house, we can take advantage of ventilating the bedrooms and other rooms. Leaving the windows open for at least one hour a day allows to eliminate the present humidity
  • The children’s room can have many toys, but we especially recommend those made of plastic. If we have stuffed animals, it is preferable that they are washable
  • To avoid the appearance of mold in bathrooms and kitchen, in addition to the mandatory cleaning, it is important that they are ventilated
  • It is best not to keep old objects that accumulate dust, but if this is the case, it is advisable to keep them clean
  • Regarding decoration and furniture, let’s choose smooth floors without carpet, wooden furniture, washable curtains instead of blinds and avoid the introduction of plants into the house, as these favor the accumulation of fungi and mold.
  • It is believed that mites can live for years in a house, maintain the same strength and can even be more difficult to eliminate
  • There is an important group of useful devices and products to keep a home free of allergies, they are dehumidifiers, filter vacuum cleaners, acaricides, air purifiers, bedding with anti-mite and anti-allergy properties.

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