My Son Taught Me To Really Love

When you become a mother you understand the true meaning of unconditional love, something you have never known before.
My son taught me to really love

Before holding you in my arms I thought that I loved, that I knew how to truly love, but now I doubt it because with you I learned what love means. To love is to give, is to give oneself without conditions.

If I tried to list the reasons why I love you I think it would never end. However, I outline some whys in a few lines. I love you son because you breathe, because you smile, because you open your eyes and throw your arms at me.

I love you because you look at me like no one else does in this world, because you were inside me and now I can touch you, because you are a little piece of your dad and me. I simply love you because you exist, because you really are and you are in my life.

How could I not love you, son, if with you I discovered the world again? Now tenderness, trust, joy and even fear have another meaning. Now I feel different, more strongly, with more passion. With you I have discovered that there is no mountain high enough, that there are no tests or obstacles that stop me, because you are my strength, you are the impulse that helps me achieve everything.


To love is to give

In my chest you will find all the heat and food you need. Also from there comes all the love that you generate in me, and I swear that all that immense feeling is for you. I am in this world to give you what you need and I want you to know that in me you will always find comfort, security and shelter. No matter how much you have grown or how many roads you have traveled, in me there will always be love for you

This is my love for you, without conditions. And I expect nothing more than to love you because with you I discovered that giving is more satisfying than receiving and that loving is more important than being loved. Just by feeling your sweet smell I feel strong to fight the world if necessary.

I never get tired of looking at you, son. You are like a miracle before my eyes and it is your light that invites me to get out of bed every day, the one that gives me the strength to give and give more and better things about myself every day. It is the one that invites me to rectify my personality and study to be virtuous and give you good examples.

True love has given my life meaning

When you were born you made me a witness and a participant in the most prodigious miracle that I can witness: life. And from the moment we conceived you, your dad and I have found a different meaning to our existence. You made us transcend and because of you we are others.

And although now you laugh and sleep peacefully in my arms, I know that the day will come when I will no longer be able to hold you like now. However, I want to express to you that there will always be room for you in my arms.

At this moment I also understand that I must change, that I have the important mission of teaching you what love is and how to love. And  I thank you for existing because you are my teacher and every day you teach me to truly love.

Child who learned to truly love

Thanks to you every day I learn to be more generous, to be patient, to be sweet, kind, attentive and honest. And the truth is that every day I rediscover those virtues in others, in the world around us.

I want to teach you to really love

And that is the world that I want to show you, that I want to give you to, because although you are my precious baby, I know very well that one day you will leave. That is why I strive from now on so that you are a good man, a man who knows love, who knows how to give affection. My mission is to give you all the love in the world so that you can then return it to him.

The world is yours, my son. You will eat it, I’m sure of that. You will see thousands of wonders in front of you because your spirit of adventure, the one that your dad and I also have, will invite you to explore it inch by inch.

You will learn that in every child, in every woman, in every man and in every old man there is love, no matter how hidden it is. I know you will see it because you have learned to love from me and your father, who honor you every second.

Prepare your child to love

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