The Shaken Child Syndrome

Shaken child syndrome is a very common form of child abuse. It is important to know your risks and be aware of any signs.
Shaken Child Syndrome

Shaken child syndrome is one of the most common forms of child abuse. These are brain injuries that occur in babies when they are shaken by holding them by the thorax. It is an indicator of physical violence against the child and can cause serious consequences or even death. In this article we tell you the basic information about this syndrome.

What is shaken child syndrome?

Shaken child syndrome is a series of brain injuries that occur in children when they are violently shaken. It is an indicator that the child has suffered physical abuse. It occurs because babies’ neck muscles are not sufficiently developed and they often have difficulty holding their head properly.

Keep in mind that sometimes, even if it is not the intention of the caregiver, simply the strength of an adult and the difference in size are enough to cause injury to a small baby.

What happens is that, by shaking the child violently, his head moves uncontrollably in all directions. This means that the baby’s brain inside the skull collides with the hard bones of the skull.

Crying child in his mother's arms after suffering shaken child syndrome.

Thus, lesions occur in neurons, that is, brain cells, which can be reversible or irreversible. It can also cause brain bleeds and eye injuries. Shaking a child can lead to death.


Some of the symptoms that can occur when a baby is shaken roughly are:

  • Nervousness or agitation
  • Drowsiness.
  • Irritability.
  • Refusal of food, vomiting, nausea …
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Seizures
  • Blindness.
  • Paralysis.
  • Eat in its gravest forms.

Symptoms may not be seen immediately after injury. However, when it has occurred seriously enough, the symptoms that have already been discussed will begin to appear over time.

What are its consequences?

One in ten children who suffer this type of injury ends up dying. Of those that survive, up to 50% are left with serious and irreversible sequelae. Some of these sequelae can be blindness, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, epilepsy, language difficulties …

Crying baby in his father's arms.

How to prevent shaken baby syndrome?

If there are other people who collaborate in the care of your baby, make sure they know the dangers of this type of injury. If, on the other hand, you suspect that a baby may suffer abuse of some kind, it is very important to seek help and act in consequence.

Sometimes when a baby cries for a long time and no cause is found, it is easy for caregivers to be on the verge of losing their temper. However, you must always keep in mind how dangerous it can be and the consequences that uncontrolled behavior on the part of an adult caregiver can bring.

There are parent training courses that can help you understand why a baby cries and how to handle these situations. If you are a parent or caregiver and you have trouble controlling your emotions at times, do not hesitate to go to an expert for help.

In summary…

Never forget how fragile babies are! You have to be especially careful with them and always pay attention to possible signs of any type of abuse. In case of suspected child abuse or difficulty in controlling your emotions regarding a child, always seek professional help.

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